I think I hurt my leg

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Earlier I was stretching and once I got done I started to do the splits.When I did them I felt a sharp pain in my left leg[the leg in the back].It hurt yesterday while I was doing the splits too.I did them the day before and it didnt hurt.

When it hurts its not like a sore feeling,more of a sharp pain.I can still walk fine.It only hurts when im doing the splits.

Does anyone have any idea why its hurting?
Or what I could have done to it?
No clue, but what part of your leg hurts? is it the inside or outside? Front or back? your knee? Your hip, thigh, calf, ankle??
Its the front part of my leg,but it faces down when im doing the splits obviously.On my upper thigh[on the inside]is where its hurting.
I would see a doctor. Thigh injuries are nasty, and you don't want to deal with those, as sometimes they can take a long time to heal, and aren't they like the hardest part to injure? haha idk. but see a doctor, and good luck!
maybe you were stretching too hard without being properly warmed up and pulled a muscle? those are annoying. but yeah, see a doctor to be save
maybe you were stretching too hard without being properly warmed up and pulled a muscle? those are annoying. but yeah, see a doctor to be save

Thanks,I didnt go see a doctor but it stopped.I stretched for a little longer than I usually do before doing the splits and it was fine!

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