Parents I think I might be crazy!

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Proud Parent
Apr 14, 2010
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but I just signed up my youngest child to try out for the developmental team at older dd's gym (yes they currently go to different gyms - long story). She is 6 and seems to have some natural talent in the form department and also seems pretty flexible. She got her splits within a couple of weeks of starting to work on them. She has only been in gymnastics for 9 months, but what scares me is she seems to love it as much as my older dd. I guess my checkbook is more scared though. I am excited for her, but because I know how much this sport costs, a bit worried. I can't decide if I hope she makes it or not. When I first (finally, after much begging) signed her up for gymnastics I really thought she would do 1 session and quit. I guess not. Ugh, the drama! Am I the only one who feels this way?
You're smart to think about the cost ahead of time! So many people start off on team without even knowing the costs involved. If your daughter loves it though, it's all worth it! Good luck to her--hope her older sister doesn't get upset if her younger sister passes her by.
I feel the same way. My 5 year old wants to do gymnastics and I know that she would be good since she can do all the level 4 floor skilss except the bhs( her sister taught her). But I have been putting it off since I am not sure how to handle 2 in this very expensive sport. I haven't even signed her up for a rec class because I am afraid they will put her right in a preteam class. I feel guility that I no put her in class yet. The cost scares me. I also worry about two in the sport and two different travel schedules and how in the world will I handle it.
Well, I wish her the best of luck! I am sure she will make it and once you see how happy she is, you will be glad you did! (although your checkbook may never be happy again!=) LOL
I know that, once you have more than one kid, they become the Fairness Police. You couldn't possibly NOT let the younger DD do team because IT'S NOT FAIR!!! :D
I'm right there with you! My 5yo loves gymnastics and wants to be like her big sister. She is on pre-team but has many, many years until she would compete. For now, I'm just enjoying her enthusiam. It really is so cute. I've tried to steer her into other activities but she keeps going back to gym. Like Mary A posted, it's only fair that I give younger dd the same opportunity. It's a blow to my pocketbook but comforting that younger dd is somewhere that her older sister can keep an eye out for her.
Add me to the crazy parents. My youngest was in rec but she'll be starting developmental in June. She just turned 5 and is at least 2-3 years from competing - thanks to the fact that my gym doesn't start until level 5. Who knows...maybe by then I'll have won the lottery!
I understand how you feel. My two boys were on training team this year and were both invited to move up to Level 4 for next year. I must confess I breathed a sigh of relief when my 7 year old looked at me and said " Nope - not going to do it!" He just wants to wrestle. So my budget will stay close to the same for the year going from 2 on preteam to 1 on team. The driving on the other hand... drop #1 off, drop #2 off, pick #2 up, pick #1 up. Repeat. And I'm just imagining meets & tournaments this winter. Up until now they've done the same things. So - I wish you luck. It is fun. I think I would have benn upset if they both wanted to quit b/c I would miss it so much.
I am like that with my son. He is very talented at any sport and he loves his gym, but I just can't afford both of them in, so I have moved his passion over to tennis, thank god he loves it. Least with tennis I can coach him so a little bit cheaper.
Awww. Good luck to your baby DD. And good luck to your wallet too.
It is good that you are thinking about costs up front because I have seen alot of parents not realize this have their daughters start on team then pull them out. At the gym where my daughter was they are not very upfront about costs since I think they are afraid of scaring parents off. I was able to manage the costs while my daughter was on team but I was clueless about them beforehand. It is very sad to see a child being pulled from the team ecspecailly in the middle of meet season. I would find out as much as possible on the tuition and meet fees even if you have to ask other parents. Last year my daughter was a level 6 and I spent about 5,000 a year on the sport so it can be very expensive.
Thanks for the support everyone! the tryouts are next weekend. I will be out of town, so my husband will take here. Hence there will be no pressure from me in either direction. When my oldest started on team we were told all of the costs up front and didn't think they were too bad, of course that was for a very novice level 4. Wow have they shot up rapidly! I did delay it as long as I could, but here we are. It is so interesting as a parent to watch them grow up and see where their interests take them. I can't wait to see what happens in their lives over the coming years!

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