WAG If you were moving ....

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Proud Parent
Dec 29, 2014
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If your gymnast could train at any gym, anywhere in the world, which gym would you pick, and why?

Our moves have never been based on gymnastics. But, even if I got to choose the ideal place for DD, I'm not sure what that ideal place would be.
I wouldn't want to change gyms :)

But if we had to, I would be looking for UNDERSTANDING coaches… who believe that if the gymnast has the skills necessary to fulfill the requirements of a JO Level or Xcel Division, then they should be allowed compete that Level or Division. (No holding them back to improve the team scores … no stupid YOU MUST STAY AT AN XCEL DIVISION FOR 2 YEARS, no matter what … no you must score 36.00+ x number of times in a season … no you must place top 5 at State to move up).
I would look for a gym that, especially with older gymnasts, likes the idea of getting them out of compulsories (as soon as they are ready).
I would look for a gym that doesn't track girls to Xcel at the age of 7… or 8… or even 12 because they deem them "too old" for JO compulsories.
I would look for a gym that offered flexibility - practice doesn't start until after school is out for the day AND there is drive time to the gym… or there are different start times based on when you get out of school (or for home schooled students.
I would look for a gym that didn't treat Xcel as if it were the red-headed step child of the USAG family.
I would look for a gym that understands that children need to have lives outside of the gym… and that school and family functions may take precedence over gym.
I would look for a gym where bullying is not tolerated… even if it is the "star" of the gym - the same rules apply to everyone.
I would look for a gym that stresses the importance having of "back pocket" skills for their Optionals (L6-10 and Xcel), and the importance of using them when necessary.
I would look for a gym where all Optionals get their own music and routines (and the gymnasts have input into the music and the routines) and where the routines are tailored to maximize each gymnast's strengths while minimizing their weaknesses.
I would look for a gym that did their best to keep the costs down in this crazy, expensive sport (no need for a $200-$400 leotard for competition when they have nice ones available for around $100).
I wouldn't want to change the teammates and the coaches I'm with, just the facility. I feel like they're the only people who "get" what I want to do in the sport, and who realize my limits. However, I think that I could go farther, faster, in this sport if our resources weren't as limited. My coaches are good coaches, and they're all very smart; but it kind of sucks when they have this great idea for a drill, and you just don't have the equipment to do said drill. All in all, I'd love to train at the Woodward PA facility with my current coaches and teammates.
I recenly noticed a gym in Hawaii w/ a lot of girls on the tops list ;). Think I'd like to give that place a look see ;). Haha.
Yes I've often joked with my husband about moving there. Not because of TOPs, but because it means they have a gym, and duh, it's Hawaii!
I would love to have a gym that was on the east coast, north of South Carolina and south of Massachusetts. It would have both artistic and T&T. Xcel and JO with both treated with equal respect, and with mobility between the two. Coaches who care foremost about the individual child and their journey. It would have an environment of fun and respect. Parents would be welcome, although as usual would be discouraged from being there all the time. The tuition would be reasonable as would the meet fees. Uniforms would be on the lower end of the spectrum. The athletes would be diverse in every sense of the word. The equipment would be safe and there would be enough to go around.
This is a cool post but after thinking back to everything my DD says about her gym, coaches and team if I gave her a choice she would stay in her gym and never leave. She thrives in the high intense atmosphere with coaches that love their girls but have high expectations.

With that said.....I'm all about Hawaii.
My DD has informed me that we can move wherever we want, she'll even happily change schools, as long as I figure out a way for her to commute to her gym. :) So, I'll say we're happy with where she is?

For DS... I have moments when I remember that we have not one but two extremely good gyms with less than than an hours drive from home (and closer to his school). Like, one has had multiple national team members good. But then I remember the benefits of having two kids at the same gym (beyond the commute), and let it go. But in my dream world, he'd be there, because who wouldn't put there kid there if they could?! Some days I wonder if I'm nuts for not putting him there... I mean, his program is just fine and he's doing pretty well... so I'll always wonder a little...

Geographically, can I transplant their gym to Hawaii or somewhere beachy on the east coast?
With the market the way it is, we may find ourselves soon looking to move anywhere there's a job, a decent school, and hopefully a gym. Knowing what the ideal school would be is easier for me to grasp; at least I was once a student. I was never a gymnast. Moving near friends and family would be our first choice, but it might not be an option.

I've gathered a few opinions in our travels. In our experience, even a fantastic coach cannot make up for a terrible facility. I once thought that it would be great if gyms ran with some parent input, until I experienced a gym run by a group of parents, now I've completely changed my mind. My kid needs to be at a gym where there are lots of kids that are better than her, at least until she is older, because she needs to see a skill to understand it. Negative coaching does not work for my kid.

Somewhere warm sounds fantastic right about now.
If we had to relocate, I'd try to find a program that would give her the opportunity to compete in high school, as well as club. (And in my dreams, in the Pacific Northwest)
HITS (Hawaiian Island Twisters). Joe Rapp, baby. one of my close friends and GREAT coach. when i retire i'm going there. :)
Once when we were on vacation, DS trained with the boys' team at HITs. The guys were super friendly and even invited him to their Christmas party. He liked it, so yeah that would work.

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