My DD had a flukey, yet serious elbow injury last December and missed the entire season. She continued to go to practice, had a conditioning checklist that she did everyday and worked those parts of her routine that were not affected by her injury (mostly leaps). She was finally cleared to return fully to the gym in May. She slowly worked to regain skills and more importantly, confidence. She wasn't quite fully back and then in September rolled her foot on a landing and broke a bone. She sat out another 10 weeks and was cleared right around Thanksgiving. During those 10 weeks she did as much as she could without using her foot (bars into pit and conditioning) and continued with additional arm strengthing conditioning. In the last year she had maybe 12 weeks practicing vault. to regain vault the coaches pretty much started her from the very beginning (running straight jump) so as not to sustain any new injuries and to rebuild strength. She had her first meet this weekend and although not completely back looked strong and confident and did well. I'd say, if your daughter wants to continue gymnastics its important to maintain strength during the recovery period. As boring and tedious as it is continuing with condition is important to getting back into the gym and recover skills.