Off Topic Irene coming

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It may be too late for this outage but in prep for hurricane season I got a hand powered cell phone charger. I pull a rip chord for a few minutes and it gives me an hour of cell phone power. I found mine on sale for $20 including shipping. When the next big storm hits the gulf I know I can at least get a message out.
I have an old land line phone in the house with a phone that doesn't need a plug to work. It always works in a power outage and for over 20 years it has stood up to everything. Not getting rid of that land line ever.
Cher, I have a land line too! I was in the middle of Hurricane Ike a few years ago, at first we could not get cell calls out but text messages and land line worked. Then while fixing downed trees the land line got cut and I could use my cell but not my land line. I also made sure my parents (who are out of state) knew how to read text messages on their cell phones because that at first messages could go out when actual calls would not connect.

I've been in Texas for 3 big tropical storms and 3 hurricanes (Katrina, Rita and Ike) so I feel more comfortable when I am ready. At the beginning of June I prep my Hurricane box. I write a new emergency phone list with numbersincluding land lines for my local friends and family in Michigan including my parents neighbors, email copies to a few people and print it for my box. June is also the time to check batteries for a small radio, and a few big flashlights and test my non-electric phone. Several gallon jugs are always in the pantry ready for water. If we get a warning I can check the pantry for peanut butter and I'm ready as I can be.
I have two land line phones, have elderly family living close and need to be there no matter what.

Horrified this morning to hear that 40 people have now died in the US due mainly to flooding. How terrible.
Hey all! Made it to work today to the world of power, internet and television! Woohoo! We lost power at 8 am Sunday morning and when I left for work it was still out :(. We have city water so we've had water, and enough hot water to get us through showers yesterday. Hoping we have power when we get home this afternoon but we've lost everything in the fridge (it needed a good cleaning anyway!)

We are about 10 miles from the coast and had no damage to our property thankfully but there are a few trees down in the neighborhood and hundreds around town. Connecticut's coast got hit really hard, a woman from my playgroup lost her house (it washed away in the storm surge.) Thankfully they are safe but lost everything they didn't have with them. So sad.
Txgymfan you must get those storm all the time in TX. this isn't normal for the New England area. We are use to our hurricanes in the form of a Nor'easter blizzard. Which unless there is an ice storm with it we have never lost power for more than a few hours and never lost the land lines. I know that when alot of lines go down one of two things will happen. The tree people will be out to cut trees that could take lines down and/or the roads will be dug up to put the lines underground (which I think all the lines should be underground anyway). Hopefully all the lines in the area will end up underground then we don't have to worry too much about storm outages.
My wife's family all did fine...they are on Long Island. Three houses down from her parents house there was 4-5 ft. of water though...they got lucky that the water didn't come up the street quite enough.
Cher, we don't get hurricanes or tropical storms all the time, but it is always a possibility. After a summer of drought we are actually hoping for a small tropical storm. Ike was the worst and I lost my car when a tree fell into it. Just like with Irene, the media is very dilligent covering all possible storms. I am so glad so many people are safe but Vermont and New Jersey are having horrible time.
RI and CT arent doing so well either.

VT isn't so much damage from the actual storm as it is from the overflowing rivers from all the water. The hard part is after the storm passes you have a good 48 hours that the river waters can still rise from the water in the mountains coming down. That's when the major damage happens with the flash floods and the rivers cresting.
So glad you got power. We were hoping to get a part of the new TS Lee but high pressure is pushing it to La and MS. I don't want the big storm with flooding but a few inches of rain and a little cool air would be really nice.
My wife's family all did fine...they are on Long Island. Three houses down from her parents house there was 4-5 ft. of water though...they got lucky that the water didn't come up the street quite enough.

Unfortunately, since my last post we have learned that one of my wife's uncles was killed trying to help someone in the storm.

Please be careful everyone.
Unfortunately, since my last post we have learned that one of my wife's uncles was killed trying to help someone in the storm.

Please be careful everyone.

JBS please tell Audra that I send my condolences. What a horrible way to lose someone so close. Though what an honorable way to die, trying to help someone in need.

Despite the way people have said the storm didn't hit hard, I keep hearing of some total tragedies.
JBS, that's awful.

And yes, there are some that will say the storm was "no big deal" and "over hyped".....people who are still without power (my aunt and uncle aren't expected to get it back until Tuesday, Sept 6....10 days after the storm!), people who lost their homes, loved ones or personal property, will disagree.
JBS, please tell the Mrs, I am sorry for her loss. So tragic.

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Sending my condolences to your family JBS. No matter the size of the storm, the people affected should have the support needed.

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