Okay, first off, I'm going to avoid being all skeptical here. I've had the same questions as you, and I know that it doesn't help to have people putting you down. But I will tell you what you need to do.
~You are homeschooled. This is great. This means that you can do gymnastics a lot when you get better.
~If you haven't started gymnastics yet, then you will have to join soon, and definitely push it when it comes to conditioning/flexibility
~If you become an elite gymnast, you will need to go around 6 days a week, and around 30-40 hours all together. But this is just an example. Shawn Johnson only went 25 hours a week. I'm an accomplished level 7/8 and I only go 12 hours.
~Most people advance one level a year. Again this is just a guess. Some people need to compete levels more than once. I competed 4 and 5 in one year, and 6 and 7 in the next. So if you practice enough, it can be possible if your coaches support it. Also, don't be afraid of new skills an up-training.
~Here's some skills you'll need for each level:
Level 4-Pullover, front hip circle, mill circle, back hip circle undershoot dismount
Level 5-Kip (both bars), front hip circle, tuck on, jump to high bar, tap swings, half turn dismount
Level 6-Cast above horizontal, clear hip, long hang pullover, flyaway
Level 7-Clear hip around handstand, cast handstand, giants, layout flyaway
Level 8-Half pirouette, Clear hip handstand, layout flyaway
Level 9-Hect, bar transition (pak, layout half, straddle back), double back dismount
Level 10-Release move of some sort, pirouettes, choice dismount
Level 4-90 degree split leap, 3/4 handstand, side handstand dismount
Level 5-120 degree split leap, handstand, cartwheel, 120 split jump, side handstand dismount
Level 6- 150 degree split jump/leap, backwalkover/back extension, cross handstand into side handstand dismount
Level 7-flight skill (round off, backhandspring, front handspring), 180 split jump/leap, flipping dismount
Level 8-two connected skills (one flight), switch leap
Level 9-two connected skills (both probably flight), back tuck/aerial
Level 10-no boundaries
Level 4- split leap step hop, back extension push up position, round off backhandspring
Level 5- dive roll, front handspring, split leap step side hop, back extension handstand, backwalkover, round off two backhandsprings
Level 6- front tuck, front handspring step out front handspring two feet, split leap step side leap, back extension handstand, round off backhandspring back tuck
Level 7- switch leap into other leap/jump, front handspring front tuck/pike/layout, round off backhandspring back layout
Level 8- switch leap, front handspring front tuck/pike/layout, round off backhandspring back layout full, front tuck round off layout
Level 9- switch leap (turning), front handspring front layout front tuck, round off backhandspring back layout 1 1/2 front tuck, Round off backhandspring layout full
Level 10- switch leap into jump, tumbling has no limits
Level 4- Handstand splat back
Level 5- Handspring vault
Level 6- Handspring vault
Level 7- Handspring vault (full turn optional)
Level 8- Tsukahara pike
Level 9- Yurchenko pike/layout, front handspring front tuck
Level 10- Yurchenko twisting layout, front handspring into any flip (twisting or not), no limits
I hope this helps! I don't have everything here, but if you have questions, ask! Also, you should ask your coach for exact routines.