Is this normal?

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Just to look at this issue from a different angle. We all have a stronger leg/arm. This can lead to imbalances that can lead to injuries over time, specially in a repetitive sport like gymnastics. This can also be an issue in soccer, when the athlete only kicks with one leg. Lead with one leg as the coaches suggest, but strengthen the weak leg/arm until strength is equal Right to Left. Do what the sport requires, but do also take care of your body to minimize injuries.
DD is the only lefty on her Level 4 team and the coaches do often forget. They'll teach something to the group like beam choreography and have her do it on the right before remembering she's a lefty. Right before we left for vacation a girl tried out who was a lefty. DD was so happy not to be alone. I don't know if she ended up staying or not as we've been gone.
This is more of a basic skill, so she should learn it with both legs. I went to a gym once, and they had everyone doing BWO on the beam with both legs. Just like a cartwheel, you should learn it with both legs. If she can do it with both, when it comes to connections, she will have a few more options, without swinging the leg through.
Thanks All!

It is helpful for me to look at it from the perspective of having ZZ be able to be ambidextrous with her skills. At her age - 4 1/2 - she still does a lot of things with both hands. For example, if you put scissors into her right hand, she'll be able to use them. Not as well as with her left hand but ... It seems like this could be really good for her from an athletic standpoint as well.

Best Wishes,


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