Anonymous (e51c)
I have a 11 year old xcel platinum who had a great season, scoring 36-37 AA all season. It’s her second year repeating platinum. It seems unfair to keep her in platinum again next year and continue to score well, yet she will be really young for diamond. Most diamonds in my area are 14 and up and she will have just turned twelve. I see kids who score 37’s at states and regionals repeating platinum and I feel like they should have moved up. I don’t want to be that parent, but there is also lots of room for my daughter to upgrade her skills for another year on platinum, which might actually cause a drop in scores. If she stayed on platinum she would probably still be in the youngest age group for most or all of the season. Do you think a third year in platinum is sandbagging or should she move up to diamond? Coach thinks she can handle diamond but every time she is the youngest on a level it just seems so unfair when her competitors are a whole head taller than her. In diamond, I know she will be competing against older girls coming from the DP program and my daughter has only ever done xcel. My daughter would probably compete the bare minimum skills on diamond. All the skills that will be new to her next year regardless of level will be cast handstands, BHS on beam, Arabian off the beam, and round off back layout on floor. She has all these skills but has not competed them yet. She has some twisting skills but they need work. Thanks!