JBS, Why do you like coaching competitive better?
I pushed Gyminny as close to competitive as I could. The demo team had a great sense of "TEAM". We started doing the mock meets. Many of the girls (and guys) I have coached over the years have left Gyminny to go to competitive gyms. That is very hard for me to handle.
It's not that I like competitive better, it's the fact that it is an option. I am now at a gym that offers rec. gymnastics, competitive gymnastics, competitive cheer leading, and we are starting a demo team. I can offer each student a variety of programs without the need to go to another gym. Most of our birthday parties are done by the team girls....so I can even offer them their first job.
Even though this gym is much smaller, I will end up with kids that stay with me longer. More students like you. And no, they'll never be as cool as my Gyminny Kids.
Also, the way I coached you guys is exactly the same as the way I coach my level 6's. The only difference is that they come 11 hours per week.
So nice to hear your family is doing well & enjoying living closer to home

... I missed california terribly when I moved away & still miss it sometimes. WOW a BIG girl bed???? that had to be an exciting day

... So many different programs to think about?? You sound very busy wearing so many hats in the gym!
I had always thought that gym was pretty competitive w/TOPS and all.. Not that hours always matter - a lot of gym time can get wasted, but it is not so often anymore that you hear of level 6's going 10 hours. Even though since the majority of the routines are known, it always seemed doable to me. How many hours for lvl 4's/5's? Does your gym still participate in TOPS? I have a friend that may be moving up that way, and I will have to have her check out your gym, because she was also interested in a little lower level commitment - less team time, but she also did want to do a TOPS program for more conditioning & to work on a few higher level skills.
All of our best to you and family! - nic
Sorry I didn't answer this:
Level 4: 7 hours per week
Level 5: 8 hours per week
Level 6: 11 hours per week
Level 7 & 8: 12-15 hours per week
Level 9 &10: 18 hours per week
Right now, we are not doing TOPs. If you had to look at an overall team focus, it would be getting college scholarships for our gymnasts. We do have a couple potential elites, and they are being trained as such, but we do not train everyone that way as it creates major problems with burnout. We do currently have 5 or 6 level 10's with scholarship potential. Last year we put one of our girls through to U of I on a full ride.
We definitely work higher level skills on a regular basis.