Proud Parent
- Oct 26, 2009
- 756
- 241
My 8 yo DD (Danielle) is on the Level 4 team, starting to uptrain to Level 5. I also have a DD 18 months older than her (Katie), who has done rec gym and goes with her sister to gymnastics camp during school holidays. Katie tried out for team the same time Dani did (in Aug 2009), and they both got accepted. But in the end only Dani joined. Katie loves ballet, didn't want to give it up, but class times clashed. Besides, being on team is expensive, and I felt we could only handle one team member. Plus, all our meets are overseas, so with 2 team members I would have an additional airfare, and I wouldn't be able to cut my hotel cost in half by sharing with another team mom (or it would be more difficult anyway). So everyone seemed happy with the decision for K to stick to ballet and D to do team.
Since then I have seen K gaze longingly at the team girls sometimes (she's at the gym with me on Wednesdays between her Art pickup and D's gym pick-up). She came with us to support the team on our last meet in February. I have talked to her about it a couple of times, and she really sounds on the fence, but she's shy about making her needs known, and she likes to please. So I'm not sure if I'm getting her honest feelings. What really got me thinking today is that I saw the head coach this morning when I dropped both girls to camp (they are currently on school break and doing camp for a week) and she told me she would take Katie on the team tomorrow if she wanted to join. She's has told me that before, but I thought by now Katie's skills would be rusty enough that HC wouldn't want her any more, but no.
So, what to do? It's hard to know if K is being truly honest with me (and herself, quite frankly) when she says she's OK just doing ballet. Will she one day regret that she never got to try team for a year? It would be a financial burden to have her on team too, but OTOH, how is it fair that only D gets to be on team if K really wants it too but is scared to say so because she knows how expensive it is and she knows I was relieved when she initially said she'd stick to the much less expensive ballet? To add to the issues, K is going to be 10 in August, but she'd probably have to start team at Level 3. How will she feel about her younger sister being in a higher level than her? I did ask her that once, when we were debating whether K should start team in Sep 2010, and she claimed it wouldn't bother her, but I'm not sure she can really know that until it happens. She may think she'd be OK with it, but if other kids make comments, even innocent questions like "how come your sister is in a higher level?", will it then start to bother her?
Can you guys just give me some insights, thoughts, opinions on this situation? Should I just take K at her earlier word and carry on with the status quo? Or should I be exploring this some more? How can I really get to the bottom of this with a DD who finds it hard to speak her mind?
Since then I have seen K gaze longingly at the team girls sometimes (she's at the gym with me on Wednesdays between her Art pickup and D's gym pick-up). She came with us to support the team on our last meet in February. I have talked to her about it a couple of times, and she really sounds on the fence, but she's shy about making her needs known, and she likes to please. So I'm not sure if I'm getting her honest feelings. What really got me thinking today is that I saw the head coach this morning when I dropped both girls to camp (they are currently on school break and doing camp for a week) and she told me she would take Katie on the team tomorrow if she wanted to join. She's has told me that before, but I thought by now Katie's skills would be rusty enough that HC wouldn't want her any more, but no.
So, what to do? It's hard to know if K is being truly honest with me (and herself, quite frankly) when she says she's OK just doing ballet. Will she one day regret that she never got to try team for a year? It would be a financial burden to have her on team too, but OTOH, how is it fair that only D gets to be on team if K really wants it too but is scared to say so because she knows how expensive it is and she knows I was relieved when she initially said she'd stick to the much less expensive ballet? To add to the issues, K is going to be 10 in August, but she'd probably have to start team at Level 3. How will she feel about her younger sister being in a higher level than her? I did ask her that once, when we were debating whether K should start team in Sep 2010, and she claimed it wouldn't bother her, but I'm not sure she can really know that until it happens. She may think she'd be OK with it, but if other kids make comments, even innocent questions like "how come your sister is in a higher level?", will it then start to bother her?
Can you guys just give me some insights, thoughts, opinions on this situation? Should I just take K at her earlier word and carry on with the status quo? Or should I be exploring this some more? How can I really get to the bottom of this with a DD who finds it hard to speak her mind?