I am not looking for advice; nor am I necessarily looking for members to comiserate (sp) with me. However, I just feel the need to vent. There is a little girl on my DD's team who consistently says such mean spirited and cutting things to my DD and the other girls on the team. What's worse is that she says many of these things at the meets, during the meet. DD has long struggled with her squat on. One meet she's on, and another meet she's not. Ugh!! Well, it is on the days that DD misses that this other child says things like, "I didn't fall on my squat on and you did! I will win first place and you won't because you fell!" She also questions my DD as to how my DD could possibly score better on an event. "How did YOU score better? My routine was best!"
I attempted to go to the mom with the information. BUT, as she said it, "I've asked G and she assures me that she hasn't said anything. It's so not like her character." I feel that nothing I say or do will make an iota of difference. It's clearly a shame that some parents do not realize the minute we refuse to hold our children accountable for their mistakes and indiscretions is the minute we only help to add to their demise as people.
I can NEVER say my children are incapable of doing wrong or being mean. They are so capable of behaving in any way! I just hope they do more of the good than the bad. If not, I will always be here to discipline! There, Thank you! I just needed to burst my own bubble, so that I don't carry this any further!!
I attempted to go to the mom with the information. BUT, as she said it, "I've asked G and she assures me that she hasn't said anything. It's so not like her character." I feel that nothing I say or do will make an iota of difference. It's clearly a shame that some parents do not realize the minute we refuse to hold our children accountable for their mistakes and indiscretions is the minute we only help to add to their demise as people.
I can NEVER say my children are incapable of doing wrong or being mean. They are so capable of behaving in any way! I just hope they do more of the good than the bad. If not, I will always be here to discipline! There, Thank you! I just needed to burst my own bubble, so that I don't carry this any further!!