- Jul 22, 2010
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- 6,774
Twice in the last three weeks (and that's with the gym closed for a week in between) my DD (who is training level 6 and learning to do tucks) has landed her front tucks funny (and NOT funny ha-ha). The first time she landed with her big toe kind of turned under her foot, leaving her with some pain across the top of her foot. That was the last day before program shut-down, so she rested it, and it got better. Today she landed the other way, with sort of the pinky-toe side of her foot turned under. Now she has a swollen bump (not huge, but definitely there) on the side of her foot. We iced it and ibuprophened it and are waiting to see what tomorrow brings before we decide if we're going to go to the weekend clinic to get it checked out. She says it's feeling better and is walking fairly normally, but she is a tough cookie and, I'm sure, doesn't want me to limit her end-of-the-school-year activities, such as her gymnastics banquet at a local amusement park on Sunday. So I'm not sure how much I trust her "Feeling lots better! Really, Mom!"
I will not ask a medical question (though if you've had something similar happen, I'd be interested to hear about it) but I am curious if these wonky landings are just a part of learning the skill (she's landing them all of the time with even a tiny spot, but without a spot she lands about half of them on her feet and the other half on her butt, which is much hardier than her ankles, luckily) or if there is something she should be doing differently that might prevent the battering of her poor little feet and ankles?
We are T-minus-8-days-and-couting till Woodward, so I'm hopeful that this is not a major injury!!

I will not ask a medical question (though if you've had something similar happen, I'd be interested to hear about it) but I am curious if these wonky landings are just a part of learning the skill (she's landing them all of the time with even a tiny spot, but without a spot she lands about half of them on her feet and the other half on her butt, which is much hardier than her ankles, luckily) or if there is something she should be doing differently that might prevent the battering of her poor little feet and ankles?
We are T-minus-8-days-and-couting till Woodward, so I'm hopeful that this is not a major injury!!