Parents Leotards???

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Proud Parent
Feb 10, 2007
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I was wondering do you like a specific brand of leotard??

I got a GK leotard for my dd at goodwill and noticed a HUGE diff on how this one fits vs how the cheap ones from Target etc? now I need to get my girls some new ones since they need to stop growing (JK) anyhow I have decied if the fit is better then its worth some money!! also where do you get yours?
Mgm, we have tried jamwear, rebeccas mom, Alpha Factor & a few others I can't think of off hand - and we ALWAYS come back to GK... it has the perfect fit for my dd. Love em!:p
GK is one of the most popular and expensive brands. If you like the way this one fit your daughter, look on ebay--there are some good deals to be had on almost or new leos(including GK). I find that GK runs a little small compared to some other brands and if its just a practice leo only, I tend to get the leo a little big(not baggy big!) since they can wear them for 1-2 years at least. Usually gym coaches like the meet leos to be skin tight, so my daughter likes her practice ones with a little room in them.

We picked up an Alpha Factor leo at a meet and it seems to be holding up well. I also like the leos from Link Removed. Pretty decent selection with some always on sale and they throw in a free scrunchie. Also I've found they hold up well. They seem to be the opposite of GK--tend to run slightly large
I wore leos from Snowflake, rebecca's mom, GK, alpha factor, and some other ones--can't remember the names off hand (it's been a few years) but I usually ended up going back to GK. I thought they were the most comfortable and they tended to last longer.
My dd mainly wears GK and Destira. She does have a couple of Motionwear too. I do agree with a PP that if you are set on GK, that ebay is a great place to look. I have much success with purchasing from ebay and will continue to in the future.

I do have to say though that out of all dd's practice leos the only one to have ripped was a GK (that I had purchased brand new - I was very disappointed.) I was able to stitch up and it is fine for practice. I think that it got pinched on the bars and that is what caused the rip, but still for $50 you don't expect a leo to rip. This hasn't deterred me from buy GK, but I am just saying that this is an experience that I had.
I like gk, dreamlight and snowflake, but at nationals, I found one I hadn't heard of yet: first impressions and I really liked the fit and everything. The prices of the leos were 30-40 dollars.
My dd mainly wears GK and Destira.

"I do have to say though that out of all dd's practice leos the only one to have ripped was a GK"

I just checked out Destira... we have never tried those, lots of cute leotards... how do they run size wise in comparison with GK?

We had a GK rip as well (right in the middle of the tummy), I still have not figured out how it happened, but thankfully it was one we got on sale....
My DD wears LOTS of GK. Her other favorite brand (and mine too for the fit) is Snowflake. She's kind of a hard fit... GK AS is too big and the AXS is tight... but Snowflake fits her just perfectly. I agree re: getting them off of Ebay.. . just don't get caught up in the last minute bidding frenzy unless it's a really good price. All too often, what I see is people end up paying a LOT more for them, once the shipping cost is added in, than they would have if they'd bought them at a meet! But there are definitely some good bargains to be had on Ebay!
My DD has to have Dreamlight because that is what all the other girls wear! LOL! We live in Virginia Beach, which is where the Dreamlight factory is located so we can purchase Dreamlight leos at the factory for cheap. I've also finally sold my DD on the Rebecca's Mom framed leos. I love that they are framed in velvet so they don't chafe, but you still get the cooler spandex body. It was hot as all get out in the gym yesterday afternoon and velvet would have been too much. A lot of the girls on our teams wear Jillybeans leos for practice too. They seem to be pretty reasonably priced. We've yet to have a leo tear. They seem to be pretty durable.

Hey Meg... WHERE in Va Beach is the Dreamlight factory?!?!? We'll be driving down there in 2 weeks! I'd love to "stock up" if the prices are good. Thanks!

Interesting that several of you mentioned having tears etc. with GK leos. All our team leos/warm ups are GK. Last season we had 2 girls who had their leos rip under the arm---and they hadn't done anything except try them on. GK did take them back and had to FedEx 2 new ones since we had a meet coming up. When the assistant coach looked at where they had torn, she noticed there was literally no seam there, so no give at all in the fabric and once they ripped there was no way to repair them.
I just checked out Destira... we have never tried those, lots of cute leotards... how do they run size wise in comparison with GK?

My dd wears a Child Medium in both. I really do not notice any difference in the way they fit. Destira is what our gym sells in the Pro Shop, so I tend to go with them because I do not have to pay a shipping charge.
Interesting that several of you mentioned having tears etc. with GK leos. All our team leos/warm ups are GK. Last season we had 2 girls who had their leos rip under the arm---and they hadn't done anything except try them on. GK did take them back and had to FedEx 2 new ones since we had a meet coming up. When the assistant coach looked at where they had torn, she noticed there was literally no seam there, so no give at all in the fabric and once they ripped there was no way to repair them.

We had the same thing happen with our competition leos 2 yrs ago when we had Starlight leos (I believe that is the name of the company.) Our coach likes the competition leos to fit like second skin and a lot of the girls started having rips in the underarm area. We had to send back the entire teams leos to have a double reinforced seam put in the underarm area. Those leos were so tight I had to help dd get it on, she could get it up to her waist, but I had to help get it over her shoulders. Let me tell you though, boy did our girls look good! Their body definitions were stand out gorgeous.

This past yr we had GK and the leo was a foil. What a nightmare. When some parents washed the leos (according to the directions) the foil turned a silver grey color (original color was teal). They looked horrible! GK ended up sending our entire team a new leo that wasn't foil. It was basically the same leo but in a different material. There wasn't much WOW factor and to me it looked only so-so.

This yr we are getting Adidas, which if I am correct is actually made by GK (at least the Olympic leotards are that are Adidas. I read that Adidas awarded the contract to GK to make the Olympic leos). I hope we don't have any of the problems that we had before.

These little things costs too much to have something go wrong with them!
If you're purchasing destira before July 31, you can type in YMCA as a code when you check out to get 20% off even sale leos.
Hey Meg... WHERE in Va Beach is the Dreamlight factory?!?!? We'll be driving down there in 2 weeks! I'd love to "stock up" if the prices are good. Thanks!

The actual address is 1620 Centerville Turnpike, Suite 119, Virginia Beach, Virginia. You can Mapquest it for additional assistance but I will try to explain how to get there. If you are going from the Oceanfront, you get on 264 West and then take the left exit onto 64 East. Then take (I think) the first Indian River Road exit - there should be signs directing you to Regent University so it that same exit. Once you get off 64, you go straight past Regent University and the second light should be Centerville Turnpike. You turn right on Centerville and drive down a mile or two until you see an office park on your left - that is where Dreamlight is located. It doesn't even look like a factory or a store but just an office. If you drive around in there you will see it. They are very nice in there and often have leotards in boxes behind the counter if you are looking for a specific size. There are often sale leotards as well, but the best deal is their plain velvet leos, which go for 3 for $30. It is worth a trip for plain workout leos.

Have a great vacation!

That's what we're looking for since DD is going to IGC in August! I'll Mapquest it, but I am familiar with the roads you're talking about. Thanks so much!

One thing I forgot to mention, if you Mapquest it you will get some weird directions that lead you through the City. Ignore everything until you get to the part that is on Centerville Tpke. past Indian River Road. I really think the easiest way to go is via the interstate.

Thanks for your replys! Im not set on GK it just happend to get a good deal (2$) at goodwill!! and knew they were good and MUCH better deal than I could get at Target!!

These ended up fitting soo much better! so I wondered about the others!! I dont like to spend a ton on them!! as we can spend more money on the gymnastics rather than the wear!!
I have found a ton of cute ones at Leotard Crazy and GK! I've gotten a couple rebecca's mom and my friend gets a lot of snowflake. GK is great, I really like them!! I also really like Leotard Crazy...I think Leotard Crazy is cool too because during holiday season last year I saw a package that was a leotard to someone from Leotard Crazy and instead of saying Leotard Crazy in the corner where the return address it said LC so kids wouldn't know they got a leo!! I think thhat is a super smart idea.
my gym usually has rebeccas mom and also they carry satara leos. at in home meets they also have kbee leos, and they are great. but i ussually go with Gk because they are great quality and are very cute.
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