Parents Level 7 bar routine

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Proud Parent
May 30, 2024
Reaction score
Hi all! Question regarding Level 7 bars requirements. I’ll list the routine my daughter is being told she will do and please tell me if there are any skills that are not required.

Kip, cast to handstand, clear hip, kip, jump to high bar, cast to hand stand, giant, giant, flyaway.

Is this a basic level 7 routine or do you see anything extra or unneeded? I don’t want to be too leading but I’ve looked through other level 7 bar routines from 2024 and to me I see one skill that is not necessary and by being put in can lead to lots lots deductions.

That’s a pretty standard level 7 routine, you’ll see the top bar workers move the free hip to high bar and do Kip cast squat on, cio cast handstand + free hip handstand + giant + flyaway. Less skills = less deductions. If she doesn’t have a clearhip to handstand yet though the routine you posted will work. The only extra skill is the 2nd giant, lots of girls/gyms compete it though.

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