If you have a son aged 11-14 doing gymnastics then you already know that Steve Harvey was the last to be informed that the subject of this thread is the real deal. As everyone has already noted, great athlete, humble competitor and tremendous person. Our son is his level/age in same region and I think its awesome to have athletes like that for the boys to chase after. If I had a dime for every time my son put an Iphone in front of me and said, "Look ## is working his______...... I think he's going to compete it at_____" And what makes MAG truly special, and the reason we have let our son go all in on the sport, is because when this Little Big Shot (I hate the title of Harvey's show) is at a Dev Camp with our boys or rotating with them at competitions, ALL THE BOYS are rooting FOR HIM, not AGAINST HIM. They want him to catch his Tkachev on HB and land his Double Front dismount on PB, etc. And he returns the favor for everyone else because they know how tough the sport is and how much they love it. Glad to see that a young male gymnast got recognized on TV, but the skills on the show (likely limited by liability issues) don't do justice to what amazing athletes they are....the future is bright for USAG MAG. Just check out how the young US male competitors did at the International Junior Team Cup in Berlin this past April.