Parents Little minute of perspective

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Proud Parent
Aug 16, 2008
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So, I posted a couple days ago about little DD and her struggles with the L4 bars, and not knowing what to do about her and the next meet season. I still am not sure, but wanted to share what happened tonight at the gym.:)

I came into the gym lobby to pick up little DD...I was about 10 minutes early but usually she is cooling down by then. My older DD was with me and she said, "look mom she is doing her floor routine". I walked over to see her out there doing her floor routine. There was a mom with her 2 young daughters (maybe 3-4 yrs old). She was holding them up to the window to watch my DD and telling them "oh, wow, look what she's doing. She is SO good. Wow, she did a flip!". The girls were amazed and they were pointing at her and saying how good she was. Then about 5 min later I hear another mom on the other side of the room saying "look at that girl out there. She is SO elegant and beautiful". She came up to me when she came out and asked how old she was and told me she was amazing.

So, I got a little bit of a different perspective from these moms tonight. It made me feel good for my DD. :D Just had to share.
It is always so neat to hear "what others think" of course when it is positive. That must have sent goosebumps up your arm! Great going to your DD!! See Mom, She will be alright!!:D
Now that is a lovely moment and it is good for us all to remember just how awesome all our gymmies are. There will always be another skills to trip them up, no matter what their level, but the fact that they work so hard and truly are amazing should be remembered.

That was post of the month by the way!
Gotta love momments like those, and now she gets to be someone's idol and role model! Hope those moms have thier checkbooks ready cause your DD might have just pulled those little ones in, LOL
I think sometimes as parents we need others to show us different perspectives. We get stuck in a rut thinking our children could do better when and often we miss how amazing they are. My daughter also struggled with those level4 bars repeated 4 and since then bars has been both her favorite and best event. It took her forever to get the FHC. It sounds like your daughter is doing well with her other events and most important is happy. She will eventually get the skills.
what a contrast from the other post about dad picking up from gym with those talking about L4 and such..."daddy gets to be the crazy one for once". :)
its great isnt it?!

i had a similar moment last week when i went to pick up my dd. She is one of the oldest at the gym, and as i went in a mum of a young gymnast was supervising a couple of kids outside in the sun, and we started chatting. She asked me which one my dd was, and when i told her she said - 'Oh! She is my dd's favourite! She wants to be just like her!'
It felt great to know, and to pass on to dd!
This is such a nice post! I remember not so long ago my daughter would watch the older girls and be in awe (she still does!) but the other day her dad was with me to pick her up which hardly ever happens and we saw this girl go flying by doing back handsprings and it took a second before I realized it was my daughter. He could not believe it was her! LOL! I also had another mom (who has a level 4 and 5 daughter) in the lobby the other day ask if I was Megan's mom and she told me how her two girls always tell her how good my daughter is and that she watched her one day and that she had such great form, etc. Really made me feel good!! So funny when your daughter goes from watching to being watched. All of her team loves watching the older girls the end of practice when they are stretching you always see their eyes glued to the other girls practicing!
Aww hugs and happy tears! Truly so much of life is about perspective. Sometimes we do get too caught up in how far we have to go and we need to take some time to draw strength and confidence from how far we have already come. I often have to remind myself of this with our gymnast of the family [although more in terms of her life in general than her gymnastics specifically].
I'm not surprised. I watched her video after your last post and thought the same thing. She is a delight to watch (but I don't have to tell YOU that). :)
I'm not surprised. I watched her video after your last post and thought the same thing. She is a delight to watch (but I don't have to tell YOU that). :)
Aw, thanks. I'll tell her you said that. I, of course, DO think she is a delight to watch. I tear up a lot when I see her doing her thing at the gym.
That's such a sweet thing to hear, isn't it? It is fun to watch your little one because she really looks to be enjoying herself.
Treasure each and every moment...and there will be more...overcoming adversity is what it's all about and all those positive comments helps the gymnasts do just that.
What a lovely story. Your little one is such a joy to watch. Im sure she will nail those L4 bars, and then she will rock it all.

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