Parents Looks like Oldest dd

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Proud Parent
Feb 10, 2007
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First of all sorry I have been soo scarse, my laptop I never see anymore LOL since I have 2 kids who want on the computer and also just busy being mom to 3 kiddos.

I had to come and tell you all the good news since I am sure a few of you know the struggle oldest dd has had with her BHS .

will finally get to compete this January!!
She has been working soo hard and finally got her BHS!! I am soo excited for her.

She has come a long way. (I am trying to get the video we got of her awesome BHS on you tube but Since it was on her cell phone I am having issues! LOL) her teammated recorded it so that I could see since she got a ride home that night, but she had soo much excitement that night and such awesome support from the gym girls since she is such a hard worker!

and thanks for listening I am just such a proud mama , and made sure she knows I am more proud of her for NOT giving up and working hard.
How exciting for her. I enjoy hearing about the kids who keep plugging along. This sport means different things to different gymnast, but they are all gymnast. Success comes from not giving up in my book.
Awesome!! Congrats to her. :)
My oldest got her's in August after a LONG struggle. She is now doing 2 with someone standing next to her.
That is so good. :):D
WTG to your dd too emandelsmom! that is soo great.

and thanks, I am just soo proud of her for NOT giving up , especially when the younger sister has gotten all the skills first and competed allready but also not acting jelous and such about it all but being supportive (Tho I know she was a little jelous but that is normal and she was being a good sport about it. I try hard to make sure that each kid knows and appreciated that they each have a strength and a weakness on things.

like I tell younger dd that she gets the skills easier but oldest dd is better at the small things like the poise and such.

now I will have 2 kids compete (ok now I am going to really go broke LOL)
Your girls are just LIKE mine. Emma just turned 11 is a level 4. Takes her a while longer to get the skills. She understands the dance elements, poise and grace. Ellie is 7 and level 2. She picks up faster, but doesn't get the grace of it yet.
Yes, it is VERY expensive with 2 competiting. LOL But fun. Currently-level 4 is working on level 5 and 6 skills. Her sister is working on 3 and 4 skills.
Huge congrats to older dd on that bhs!!!! Hope she has a great time at meets next month.
Good for her! My oldest also struggled with RO BHS in L4 and then struggled some more with RO BHS BHS in L5. She still struggles with form although it is getting she is dealing with vault issues. My younger daughter learned the L4 BHS much more quickly but she is still struggling on is so interesting to see them succeed at different things and struggle with different things.

Good luck to both in January!
Congrads to her for not giving up ecspecailly when her younger sister got it before her. How nice for you to have to competing at the same level. Good luck to both of them!
Wooohoo!! So excited for her. I LOVE stories like hers. They are inspiring and what gymnastics is really all about. Her hard work and determination are all paying off.
Congrats to your Monkey! That is a big skill and she showed sheer determination and desire to fight for it! Good girl!
Thank you!!

I at one point wanted her to quit , after seeing her get a poss concusion really scared me. It is amazing how kids can show us adults a thing or two about perservierance (ok I cannot spell today).

her first meet will either be Jan 21 or Feb 18th!! I cannot wait and I will be updating you all.

also it will be so nice to have 2 of my girls together on the floor.

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