Parents Making it work - money doesn't grow on trees.

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Amazed at how many are required to buy warmups. Seems like it's just advertising for the gym, at high cost to the parent.
Florida gym, very successful at compulsory levels, more limited at level elites yet. Small gym***
$225 per kid for 9 hours. 250 for 12, maxes out at $280
additional open gym day for $20.
monthly gym fee of 70..... But it gives you access to entire facility, swimming, machines, for the rest of us who must wait or sit etc.
leos $130.
warm up $120
no coaches fees.
There is a huge variety in our area, just a few miles down the road there is a gym with costs similar to yours. We are lucky to have this gem of a gym......
Just find the best gym for the your current objective......maybe they can give you a part time job :)
Florida gym as well:

200 for 12 hours a week (level4 old level 5)
150 leo and 150 warm up (leos replaced every two years) warm ups at needed
gym bag 50 (one time fee)

USAG membership 55
Booster club membership 70 yearly
750 (to cover meet fees and coaches fees) we do 4-5 meets per season plus state
We also have an annual registration fee of 125

So I guess our gym is inline with others. What makes it worse for us is we have 2 girls at this level. It is a huge financial and family commitment. We give up a lot of things to make this happen for our girls.

I am wondering what regions everyone else is posting is from, not asking for specific locations but general regions.
I am wondering what regions everyone else is posting is from, not asking for specific locations but general regions.

Region 5.

I honestly figured that I wouldn't continue coaching, though I would absolutely LOVE to.

Does anyone think it would be kind of weird?? Coaching compulsories is my thing. I like to coach other classes, but I really love compulsories. Pre-team is my next favorite. I love teaching basics and fundamentals. Since my dd is a compulsory kid, I can only assume that they wouldn't want me to work with her group (which is what I want - my dd and I don't always work well as gymnast-coach, so I want her coached by someone other than me...but I also REALLY want to coach compulsory kids)....I just don't want anyone getting the wrong impression that we come as a "package" or anything like that.

I'm sure that I'll be able to get my foot in the door at some point, but I'm afraid of giving the wrong impression right off the bat. I don't want to come across as a "know-it-all" or God forbid, a CGMC (crazy gym mom coach) :)
About 5k a year not including gAs money back and forth for Compulsories. Optional a isn't too much higher about 7k- lol. Region 7
My motto generally is, "it can't hurt to ask." Maybe they need someone. Maybe you end up starting out with classes and preteam. Maybe they say no right now. You won't know unless you try. And with those costs, I'd be trying! I'd let them know your background (bring a resume, obviously), and then tell them what you've told us--it's not a package deal, you enjoying coaching compulsories, and you can't coach your daughter. Be willing to be open to what they need right now to get your foot in the door. I went to my current gym looking to teach a few classes a week--after a few weeks (and timely fill-ins for a team coach a few times), they offered for me to coach preteam and team. Not what I expected! I'm in love with this gym, the owners, the directors, the kids, and the parents--but if I hadn't given it a chance, I wouldn't be doing this! And I almost hadn't--I wasn't sure if I wanted a second job again at the time.

We also have a team coach that now exclusively coaches rec to avoid coaching her daughter. That's what works for her right now.

Good luck, and I hope you are able to find a good fit for BOTH of you.
Most of our compulsory coaches have kids on the compulsory team. I think, for the most part, they just try to arrange it so that they aren't the main coach for their DD's level. I think, if I was moving and thought I'd want to coach, that would be part of my conversations with the gyms when I was looking for a gym for DD.
My daughter is training optional and we pay 320 per month for 16 hours a week. Our meet fees are around 1,000 per season. That includes the coaches fees. Out team leo is a little less than 200 and they get new ones every other year. Warm ups are around 100 and I'm not sure how often they are changed. We live in South Florida......
puts the UK in perspective - £5 per hour (about $7.50) with a sliding scale of discount (P&F currently does 9.5 hours and has 22% discount).

Team leo £ 60 - club paid £10 towards it so approx $75

No warm ups - club hoodie £ 15 - optional

Meet fees range from £10-20 ($15-30)

BG Membership £45 ($67.50)

Coaches attend meets with the girls FOC (my favourite cost)

we do maybe 5 meets a year, 2 out of county requiring travel (approx 300 miles) and an overnight in a travelodge motel ( approx $35)

All in all including fuel about $3000 per year, financed on grandad scholarship
Wow, some of these prices are insane. We are in Massachusetts and we pay $190/month for new level 3 (7.5 hr/week). Our warm up was $110, leo $100, meet fees average $75/meet for entrance/coaching fees and we do about 8 meets per year. Team fee was $85 including USAG fees. Our gym tops out at $275/month for 15 hours/week (5 days a week).
Very interesting conversation. With two on team (one L5 training L6 boy and one L7 training L8 girl), we're in for $500 and change each month. I think the boys' comp gear and warmups were about $200 total -- he was able to get one more year out of his singlet, shorts and pommel pants last year, so we only had to buy the new warmups. The girls' leos and warmups together are similar in price, I think, maybe a little bit more. But here's the weird thing -- we only pay $49 per gymnast for USAG fees. I thought that was some club member discount, but obviously not! We also pay an annual insurance fee to the gym, but it's not much. My son's Region 7 and my daughter's Region 6.

A LOT of the parents with kids on team get a break on fees by doing work for the gym. They help at the desk and/or do some cleaning. The owners do the best they can to try to keep it affordable, though it is by nature an expensive sport and my opinion is that the coaches aren't paid nearly what they're worth. I'm hoping that things will continue to go great guns for the next year or so so that the owners can bump DS's primary coach up to full time with a corresponding salary increase and access to full benefits plus retirement. I really worry about coaches who don't have access to good health insurance, given the nature of what they're doing on a day-to-day basis.
I think our fees fall somewhere in the middle, optional team at $360. We have a booster club. We fundraise. Not cheap but not too outrageous. Some of the numbers on this thread are insane, which may account for why there are so many crazy gym moms! :greedy:I'd too would be acting psychotic making sure my daughter is getting what I am paying for!

To the OP, I'd go with a gym whose fees I can live with. If your daughter has no elite aspirations, I personally do not think paying an insane amount is worth it. It will just add to stress for the whole family.
We pay 150 a month for 12 hrs a week. I knew we werent paying as much as bigger gyms but i didnt realize it was that much. Ouch!

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My DD is a new L3. She trains 10 hours/week and we pay $300/month for that. We are currently paying all our other expenses for the year, but they only total up to about $600. We pay $175 for coaches fees (that goes up as they go higher in the levels.....we're paying more this year than we did last year). Our team leo was $95, but our gym only does the tank leos for the compulsory girls. They don't wear the long sleeves until they get to optionals. We also don't do the team warm-up at our gym until the next level up. We bought a gym bag last year and they didn't say anything about one this year, so I guess we're using the same one. We don't have a team fee. We live in a large city, so all of our meets are local, except south state, but this year that one is local as well, so we don't really have any travel expenses yet......just have to drive 30-45 minutes to a few of the meets. We have one at our gym and another at the other gym in our immediate community. It all adds up to a lot of money, but after reading this thread, I realize it could be much, much worse!
We pay $250 a month for 8 hrs a week. 12 hours is $300. We pay 300/yr for coach fees and 40$ per meet (once a month). There is no travel beyond 2 hours, but my daughter will likely do new level two this year so from level 3 up all the associated fees go way up and travel is further. We are also required to fundraise and "volunteer" like crazy.
We pay $380 a month for 15hours a week. USAG fees, meet fees, coaches' fees, uniform fees, travel fees are all covered by booster club so I have no idea how much that all is! USAG is standard. Meet fees I think are $75-$115 a meet (and we do 6-7). Coach fees vary but around $50 a meet, Uniform all together was about $300 this year (warm up, singlet, shorts, pommel pants, tshirt). Travel varies. Thank goodness for booster club!

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