WAG Mental Blocks can be overcome !

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Oct 20, 2013
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I've been lurking on here for a while now but could never figure out how to make my own thread and finally figured it out. also i'm sorry in advance if this post if long.also if this isn't in the right place feel free to move it.

My oldest dd is 16, we'll call her L . Over the past three years L could not do any back tumbling accept a roundoff... So I guess ill start from the beginning.

2011-2012 season start out as a good season L was 13 going on 14 and going in to her first season of level 8 ( no aspiration of going to the Olympics or doing college gym , just doing gymnastic for fun) L got patellar tendonitis in both knees and it hurt to tumble to the point of tears. her coach told her not do any tumbling and rest her knees for a couple of days as her tumbling had been pretty solid and he expected she would be ok to compete in 2 1/2 weeks. when her couple of day passes and her knees felt better she couldn't do any backward tumbling, lost her skills on beam and bars.( at this point she barely had a level 5 bar routine, bars is her favourite event) all of this happened in a 2 week span. her coach pulled from her competition because he has a rule that you have to have all 4 events before you can compete. Christmas break happened and she was in the gym everyday except Christmas day trying to get her skills back. the next meet came around the corner and she still doesn't have her skills back, her confidence shattered and kept saying she was going to quit, she decided not to compete the rest of the season and just train ( I was totally on board with her decision).

2012-2013- L decided to go back to gym and compete level 5 (although she barely had this skills for it) she trained hard all summer and fall the get her routines back to compete level 5 she got most of her bar skills and all of her beam skills, but that dreaded floor routine got her every time, still no back tumbling.( because she is at a small gym her coach said she could still train with him although he coaches the optional girls) L's coach decided to let her compete the routines that she had as long and she continued to work to get her backhand springs back. long story short she went a whole competition season with no back tumbling. Some how she managed to get the confidence to do 1 backhand spring at our annual end of the year showcase.

2013-2014-(during the summer we got a new optional coach help with the optional girls so now there are two groups)summer went by and she decided to go back to the gym for another year. Sadly she lost her tumbling again. she had pretty good level 6 routines and because she had nice enough other events to score out of level 5 last year her coach said se could move to level 6. they worked really hard to get her tumbling but it just wasn't happening. L's coach got fed up and said he's had enough, if you can't tumble for me maybe you will tumble for the other coach, so after the first meet of the season her made her change to the other group, he said you can come back when you have all your skills. L was devastated. at the first meet of the season L scratched floor. and had a not so good rest of the meet, right before the meet started L's coach pulled her aside and said some pretty harsh things that should really not be said to a kid before she's about to go out to compete and that really did not help her performance. L's new coach has been working really hard with her to get her skills back and prove to her other coach that she can do it even without him. she finally got her roundoff backhand spring back at the beginning of January, and then she got her backtuck with spot. Second meet of the season came at the beginning of February. L's new coach said he will take the deduction and spot her backtuck if she does it. Sadly L rolled her ankle going into her round off and sort of cartwheeled it. But had a good rest of the meet getting her highest bar scoring two years with a 9.125. L had her third meet of the season last weekend (march 8th) on march 3rd she got her backtuck by herself with her coach just standing their and not touching her. L's coach said he will do that at the competition on the weekend. Well the competition happened and I think she did really good for what she did. on vault L got an 8.6, bars she got 8.4 (feet touched on her freehip to kip, and lot of .01 deductions) beam she got an 8.1 ( scared of back walkover so she competed back extension but didn't get credit for it because she didn't hit at least 45 degrees but , its the first meet she's stayed on the beam ) and then came fl0or. L had an amazing warm up got all of her tumbling in. Unfortunately in her routine she didn't get the back tuck in but she got her back handspring in and that something that hasn't happened at competition in a long time.

I'm so proud of L its taken her so long to get where she is at today, right now she saying the next competition she is going to do her back tuck and not have her coach on the floor. It's taken L so long to gain her confidence back in her tumbling, she Is proof that if you don't give up you can get over a mental block.
Sorry this is so long but she has a long story. and I hoped you enjoyed her happy ending.
Thanks for sharing! There is a girl on my DD's team who is a senior in HS and is finally back tumbling again after a year. Everyone clapped for her when she competed floor again!
L will surely go far in life. Most people would have given up, but she was determined and kept at it and is now seeing results. That's the kind of tenacity that will help her fulfill her other goals in life too. I'm just sorry that her coach has been part of the problem rather than part of the solution!

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