Hey! I’m a level 7 gymnast and I’ve been having a hard time lately especially with bars. I’ve experienced many injuries in the past couple of months but I don’t think that’s the reason I’m having a hard time. I feel like my brain is overthinking every little move. I think for so long before my bar routines, during my routines and on the sides. I can’t seem to just shut off my thoughts and do what I need to do. Sometimes I might think something like “just one more routine” and then I think I’m going to end up falling, so I have to think about something to correct that thought. I try to think positive but sometimes I just can’t. Sometimes I’m also weirdly superstitious? Like if I don’t do something like handstands on the floor bar I’m going to have a terrible routine. I know this is not a good mindset but I don’t know how to just shut it off. This also stops me from going for skills on beam and bars. I could really use some help with my overthinking mental issues. Everything is greatly appreciated thank you!