Don't do it.
I don't say this because I have any real respect for formal schooling.I don't.
I do have a tremendous amount of respect for the complexity of this sport,the incredible talent that it requires to be an average gymnast,the pressure to achieve super human powers and deliver it all with a smile.A simple backhand spring on a tiny piece of wood requires exceptional ability.In this sport it's nothing to write home about.
So now that we've taken a step back and appreciated the madness of this sport,we're going to notch it up by a 100.We're entering the realm where it is not sufficient to do incredibly difficult skills,you have to learn them faster then nearly anyone else.
Your window of opportunity is tiny,you will grow and your body will change,you have to beat nature at its own game.You will spend hours and hours of practice and huge opportunies might be lost in a routine that lasts less then 2 minutes.
You will know slight sprains,aches,soreness.You will know your PT better then most kids know their family doctor.
You're 7 years old and we have decided this is your path.
DD is 9 ,she has a meeet coming up in 10 days.It will be decided if she belongs amongst the nations most promissing talents.If so she will be officialy Elite tracked.Otherwise she will just qualify to nationals and that would be a hard thing for her to accept .Being amongst the girls who qualify to nationals isn't good enough for her,she wants to qualify as national elite-tracked....
She strained her quad muscle,she's had 7 days off,6 sessions with the PT.She has to notch down her routines.She's not going to make the elite tracked list.....not this year.So she wants to quit.
All or nothing.
You asked wether or not to modify school schedules for gym.Modify it for family field trips,for concerts,for a morning starring at the clouds.But the all or nothing of elite track...Geez,I don't know.