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Proud Parent
Feb 10, 2007
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my girls ask me all the time if there are movies about gymnastics they see soccer ones all the time and other sports.
I know Stick it is a good movie but I dont think its appropriate for ages 6 and 8 years old . is there any out there that would be good for them?
Honestly, other than the language and the breaking & entering in Stick It, I didn't find it that offensive. I think my little one was 5 (maybe turning 6) when it came out. My oldest was 8 or 9. I just explained that there are certain things that you see or hear that you don't repeat or try to imitate. They were just interested in the gymnastics. We made a team outing of it - about 5 of us moms took the whole team to lunch and the movies after a Saturday practice.
I agree the laungage is horrible. And its not just swear words. Its phrases they pick up you dont want them repeating :( Ugh cant they just make a movie kids can watch!

A few other enjoyable girly sports movies...

Ice Princess, Bring It On, Center Stage, Cutting Edge,
We have all the "Bring it on" movies, they are full of ***ual themes and teen humour. I would say that Stick It is really right up there with them.

My girls loved stick it, Ice Princess and of course Bring it on. They say the first one is the best one.

There really are not that many gymnastics movies aimed at young gymnasts, too bad really.

On a similar vein though, my girls both love the book series called "The Gymnasts" by Elizabeth Levy. They are no longer in print, we have bought most of them on ebay. But my girls have read them over and over again, my best ebay buy ever.
I don't find Stick It that bad, either. I talked with my DD before we watched it. She knows that some people use bad language and she knows what she can and cannot say. We also talked about Hailey's bad attitude and things that are "not nice". I even heard her explaining to one of her little friends about "Hailey's attitude is really bad in the beginning." LOL
We have all the "Bring it on" movies, they are full of ***ual themes and teen humour. I would say that Stick It is really right up there with them.

My girls loved stick it, Ice Princess and of course Bring it on. They say the first one is the best one.

There really are not that many gymnastics movies aimed at young gymnasts, too bad really.

On a similar vein though, my girls both love the book series called "The Gymnasts" by Elizabeth Levy. They are no longer in print, we have bought most of them on ebay. But my girls have read them over and over again, my best ebay buy ever.

I will have to check out those books, they have seen all those movies and loved Ice princess
(how many books are there in the series?) we def need some good reading material this summer along with Little house books we read a lot I love to hang out and cuddle and read with them
I am thinking we need to write a movie about young gymnasts HAHA!!
There are about 20 books in the series, just put "the gymnasts" into the ebay search bar. They are popular, but I got two lots for about $3 a book, well worth the money for the amount of reading they have provided.

I wish scholastic would reprint them, they would be a great gift, one book at a time,
There are about 20 books in the series, just put "the gymnasts" into the ebay search bar. They are popular, but I got two lots for about $3 a book, well worth the money for the amount of reading they have provided.

I wish scholastic would reprint them, they would be a great gift, one book at a time,

I found a bunch of them through and I've ordered the first 10. My question is, are they appropriate for me to read to my 6-year-old? I will read them first before I read them to her but I'd like to know your opinion. DD is very mature for her age but still...
They are quite tame really, certainly no where near Bring it on or stick it. They are about a group of team girls and the things that they go through, like the babysitters club really. My girls read them young, my 11 year old still reads them all the time, by the time they finish with them they'll be worn out. :D
Is there some secret competition going on for who can drag up the oldest thread?

Funny, I was one who replied originally, and now my youngest is almost 12 years old, she still loves Stick It, we (by that I mean she, as I'm driving) watch it in the car on the way to every meet! I'm proud to say she has not picked up any of the foul language or other bad habits from the movie! LOL

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