Parents My poor kiddo

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I'm usually at the gym for most of DD's practices, but tonight I had errands to run. I caught the last 15 minutes or so. They had to show beam routines which I know DD can do and she fell on pretty much everything and looked really sloppy. She fell on her cartwheel twice, her pivot turn, her handstand, her dismount and even her scale. I was actually thinking to myself that she was obviously not trying and I have to say I was a little irritated with her on the inside. I didn't want to say anything negative, but I mean really how many times can you fall in one routine? LOL Especially on stuff I know she can do. It was ridiculous how awful she looked.

Well she fell asleep in the car on the way home and I got her out of her carseat to carry her in and I was like holy batman she's burning up. Her temperature was 104.2! I immediately freaked out because that was under her arm and I couldn't remember if your supposed to add a degree or not, but I was thinking 105.2 at that point. I got her in the bath and got some motrin in her and it came down to 102 pretty quickly.

I feel so bad for feeling irritated with her for her horrible beam routine. I also feel horrible that she was probably suffering for most of practice and it was the one day I wasn't there. I asked her when she started feeling bad and she said before vault, which is their first event. I don't know why she didn't speak up and tell her coach, but she's just like that and very shy. She's the kid who will puke on the beam (yes that actually happenned) before she'll speak up.

Looks like it will be a long night and a trip to the dr tomorrow. For some reason when DD gets a high fever you can pretty much plan on her throwing up at some point tonight.:(
I hope your daughter feels better quickly. Don't beat yourself up - us Moms do that too much to ourselves.
That exact same thing happened with my DD a couple months ago. Literally fell on all the same things. I swear she would take a step and fall. Sure enough, we get home & she's sick. Hope your DD gets better soon.
Don't worry. You are a good mommy suffering from normal mommy guilt. Hope your little one feels better quick! Hope you feel better too! :-)
I'm surprised that her coaches did not notice that she was sick. I have gotten my share of calls over the years to come pick DD up, she doesn't look or feel good! Glad she didn't get hurt. Hope she feels better. Hopefully its just a quick summer virus.
that stinks, hope she feels better soon.

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Poor little gymmie. And I know you feel bad for your negative thoughts. But don't beat yourself up too badly.

One of my momgymfriends left the gym once for the first time last year. We usually sat and visited because we both live out of town from our gym but on that day she had some errands to run. So OF COURSE her child gets sick on that day. So sat in the lobby with her and gave her substitute mommy love. It took almost a year before her mom would leave her again. LOL

Mommy guilt is just a sign that you care.
Just an aside... The way this thread loaded on my screen, I could see your first paragraph but nothing else. I kept seeing all these negative words and emotions pop up and I remember thinking "Wow...I've NEVER heard NGL speak so critically of her daughter's gymnastics. I wonder what's going on???" I was kinda worried about you. LOL
Sorry to hear she's not feeling well. Hope she gets to feeling better. No fun being sick.
your a good mommy! We all have been in your shoes. What I've learned is even if they aren't sick if you come in at the end of the night they are probably tired and really are giving what they can for that time of the day. I use to be the same way thinking come on you can do better than that. Now I'm at well its an off night we all have them. Then going home I might ask do you feel ok to double check if she is feeling sick. I think we all have taken home the sick kid and felt like crap at some point and I know we all have done it more than once. My latest was just a few months ago. My poor DD - Dehydrated and anemic - causing headaches, stomach ache, and dizzyness.

Hope your little one feels better soon.
Just an aside... The way this thread loaded on my screen, I could see your first paragraph but nothing else. I kept seeing all these negative words and emotions pop up and I remember thinking "Wow...I've NEVER heard NGL speak so critically of her daughter's gymnastics. I wonder what's going on???" I was kinda worried about you. LOL

LOL I have to admit that's what I felt the worst about, how negative I was feeling on the inside about how awful DD looked. I wasn't planning on saying anything to her, but I was feeling pretty irritated with her.
She seems to be doing pretty good today, just a fever still with no other complaints. And now my little one is running a fever too. Just in time for summer yay!

I asked my friend who was at the gym if DD had as bad of a night every where else as on beam and she said she seemed okay, though she did say her DD said my DD told her that her head was hurting. DD doesn't like to talk to adults so I figured she probably wouldn't tell her coach. She's so shy and it's kind of embarrassing as her mom sometimes because adults will ask her a question or say hello and she won't respond. With other kids she's loud and not the least bit shy. I was just like her as a kid so I completely understand how she feels and I don't try to force her at all. I know she'll grow out of it eventually.
At least she'll ask to go the the bathroom now, which she wouldn't do until recently.
She seems to be doing pretty good today, just a fever still with no other complaints. And now my little one is running a fever too. Just in time for summer yay!

I asked my friend who was at the gym if DD had as bad of a night every where else as on beam and she said she seemed okay, though she did say her DD said my DD told her that her head was hurting. DD doesn't like to talk to adults so I figured she probably wouldn't tell her coach. She's so shy and it's kind of embarrassing as her mom sometimes because adults will ask her a question or say hello and she won't respond. With other kids she's loud and not the least bit shy. I was just like her as a kid so I completely understand how she feels and I don't try to force her at all. I know she'll grow out of it eventually.
At least she'll ask to go the the bathroom now, which she wouldn't do until recently.
Poor DD and little DD now! I hope they get better soon. AND you don't catch it!
Your older DD sounds exactly like my older one. With kids, she was always fine, but with adults she never made eye contact. They do grow out of it though.
DD seems much better today and the Dr said they both just have a virus. The little one seems to be having the worst of it because it has triggered her asthma, which always seems to happen whatever her illness is. The poor thing couldn't sleep. She used to hate her breathing treatments and last night she was asking for them.

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