Off Topic My Sister's Keeper

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Mar 5, 2008
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Has anyone either read the book by Jodi Picoult or seen this movie? What a tear-jerker!!! I read the book first and thought it was sad, thought-provoking, funny and amazing all at the same time. I liked the movie as well--such great acting and couldn't get through it without crying at least half a dozen times :bawling::cryingeyesout:. It was just so emotional and as a mother myself it made me really feel for Anna, Kate, and Jesse and really feel each other's pain.

Anyone else have any opinions or want to share thoughts on this movie?
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It was so sad- even the advert had me in tears :(

I didn't like that they changed the ending from the book to the film though. Also, I personally liked the book better, Jesse and Kate's boyfriend were better in it.

(PS. why are boys called jesse? I can't understand that. It's an insult for a boy to be called a jessie here)
Oh gosh... I just watched the movie last night w/Katy. I sat there bawling like a baby!! I had read the book last spring and knew that the ending was going to be different... but still!! OMG... when Kate presented the scrapbook to her mom... that's what REALLY made me break down. You know... before I had kids, I NEVER cried at movies... now... the tears just come (oh... and my oldest is 23, so I guess I'll always be like this!)

I just went out and bought the book "Dear John" (Nicholas Sparks) because I see that's been made into a movie now too...... hmmmmm.....
I read the book, as did bigger bog baby, some time back. It was a good read. We watched the movie when she was sick with the swine fluu and we loved it until they Disneyed the end! I was so peeved with that!
Ditto, bog! They just had to get the ending they wanted. Sometimes life doesn't work that way.

PS For all the Picoult lovers, exercpts from her new book, due in Spring, were recently posted to her website!
I know Bog and Gracefulone!!! I liked the movie but the ending just left me feeling somewhat let down. The book was so much better!!
Try reading Handle With Care, much more of a cry-er than My Sisters Keeper.
I loved all her books except the first two; those stood out to me as weak links. When Handle With Care came out last spring, Picoult came to a city near me and I was able to get my copy autographed. It was so exciting for me!
Yeah, I'm not sure if there were any other significant people named Jesse in the Bible, but the Jesse was the father of King David (Matthiew 1:6).

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