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Jul 20, 2009
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Flipper had her first meet at level 8 with her new gym last weekend. She once again had to compete alone (due to others travelling, illness and injuries). She had a good meet, placed in beam, floor and AA - not spectacular, but should build her confidence. The pirouette fairies did their magic and she managed to do a nice pirouette.

Since the meet, she has been a changed girl. It appears that she BELIEVES she deserves to be competing for this great gym at level 8. On Wednesday, she ran out to the car and announced, "I love being good at gymnastics!" I asked if anything special happened - no - just hit all her routines.

Last night, her HC caught me as we left the gym and asked if I had been watching her on bars. I had caught the last 20 minutes of practice. She got her free hip giant last night. She is swinging and working with more speed and confidence. He whispered, "She is going to be REALLY good on bars." Yippee! Bars has been her weakness. She did qualify for state, too. She is irritated that the gym is going to be closed for a few days over the holidays. "I have things I need to polish up!" I love it when she feels this great about herself!
Lovely that this new gym is such a good fit for her and that she is loving herself doing gym. Great job at the meet, it is early in the season and she is so very young.

THat coach sounds perfect for her.
That is so awesome!! You both must be so happy! It's got to be great to see your daughter flying high and having so much confidence in herself.

Congrats on a great meet! Do you have video? I would love to see her routines. My DD just turned 11 and is also a level 8 this year but our 1st meet is not until mid Jan. We are originally from St. Louis area. Are you guys near by? Just curious on which gym you guys go to if you don't mind me asking.

Nothing like a happy, confident gymmie !!

That is terrific news !!! Glad the new gym is working out well.
That is great that she is so happy and that she did so well. I love that bars are becoming her "thing". That is so cool. Bars are so hard for so many girls!!!
Wonderful news!! Love when things start clicking and they start seeing themselves as they really are. Glad the gym change has been good for her!
Congrats.Great news.I'm glad the bar fairies did their job and gave her confidence on bars.
that is what its all about!! feeling great about what they do and having confidence in themselvs! how wonderful!
I LOVE this post! Isn't is great when they are just SOOO Happy with where they are? Congrats on qualifying for state!

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