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Dec 22, 2009
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My dd just turned 5. Our gym would like my daughter to go to their big competitive camp. It is an all day, all week event with one sleepover. It is a large camp with terrific staff. My question is what will my 5 year old really get out of a camp when she is this young? She would be the youngest one at camp. I realize that it is unusual for a child of her age to be invited to this camp but I don't really know if it would be beneficial. I think my dd would be ok going and have fun but what could the possible benefits be?
Some of the benefits of camp- it's fun, it breaks up the usual workout routine, and working with different coaches can provide an athlete with new insight into how to correct a skill by just wording something a little differently or suggesting a new drill. Of them all, that is probably the biggest benefit of camps, but it's not a guarantee. But it can be hard to transfer skills learned at camp back to regular practices. Sometimes the skills learned at camp are just for fun and quickly vanish once camp is over and they go back to their regular training.
I'm guessing that if the camp is put on by the gym the girls won't be doing anything crazy or that their current coaches would not approve of, so that could eliminate some of those problems.
But for a 5 year old, that's a lot. A lot of gymnastics, probably a lot of different coaches, and it could be a little confusing. But it could also be a lot of fun and a great learning experience. It all depends on how your gym structures the whole experience.
How does your DD feel about the camp? Does she want to go? Could she go for half days, maybe some mornings and some afternoons so she could get time in on all events? Will there be other girls at least close to her age there?
I'm guessing she is focused enough for her age to get something out of it, but it really depends on whether you are willing to spend the money on a camp where she might not achieve much more than she would at a regular week of practices. But then again, she could. It's hard to tell.
She'll get as much out of each session at the camp as she does at her regular sessions, unless she gets too tired. Could she attend 1/2 days instead perhaps because of her age?
For kids this young, camps are great for teaching social skills. I agree that while she may learn some new skills, that is not the only reason or benefit of camp. She will also learn how to interact with other coaches and students and also have a lot of fun. I agree that a whole day is quite long for a 5 year old so you want to just go half days and see how she adjust. It sounds like a great experience!!!
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I would see if they have half days. And I think 5 is too young for a sleepover camp. Mostly because I don't think they can self regulate to go to sleep early enough to wake up early and really get the benefit of going to camp.

Abby did 3 days of full day camp at a university camp when she was 6 1/2. She was already going 12 hours a week for gym. By the 3rd day, she was very sore in the morning and crying when she woke up for camp. She still went and had a blast, but she was exhausted.

She is doing camp this year again thanks to someone special, but not the sleepover. For the same reasons that I mentioned. Lights out is at 11pm and I know she will be up until then playing and then be really tired and moody in the day, not being able to really enjoy the camp.

Good luck deciding. I really think she would be fine not going as well if they don't have a half day option. Since it is their camp, I would ask for that, maybe an option to do whole days and not if she is too tired, but would not do the sleepover.

At this age (even for Abby at almost 8) I think camp is just a fun opportunity to meet other girls, do gym in a different environment and over, just have a blast! My daughter still talks about camp from last time and sees the girls she met at meets and still says hi. :)
Yeah, maybe she can go half the day. Is it gymnastics all day, or is broken up with activities/breaks for the younger ones? I would assume the older ones work out all day but maybe the structure is different for the younger girls.

Benefits, well it would be fun, but I wouldn't expect more benefit from that (aside from the regular practice-makes-perfect benefit for gymnastics). Obviously at this age and level they don't usually need intensive daily workouts to get them over the hump of a skill, etc.
I would certainly ask if she could attend for 1/2 days--maybe mix up a few mornings and afternoons depending on what they're doing. At 5 I would not have her do the sleepover.

Its a nice compliment to be asked, but you don't want your little one overwhelmed or exhausted. Right now, less is more.
Didn't read that it was only one night of sleepover. That would be iffy in my opinion, I would let my DD do it now at age 7/8, but not at 5. I bet they will work with you on the 1/2 day situation. Maybe have her do full day, then 1/2, then full, then 1/2 or something similar.

The camp Abby went to when she was 6 was broken up, they only did 5 hours of actual gym training with breaks, lunch, fun in between the two 2 1/2 hour sessions and like I said, she was exhausted by the 3rd day.
again, a redundant post by me on camps of any kind. she is to young.
I think camp in general can be fun even if it isn't gymnastic camp. I was a camp director of a youth camp for 8 years and love it. Those 6 yo kids today are now out of high school and some are married with kids of their own. Some i still see now and then and they still remember the great times they had at camp with that said I think that under 9yo really is too young for sleep over camp and any thing over 4 hours is too much for any kid not going into 1st grade in the fall.

You know your kid best do you think its something they would have fun at? For me I think I would keep my 5yo at home and do fun things with them at home with maybe looking for some fun day events. Like a craft day or something at local area kid places.
I wanted to update everyone on our camp decision. My dd really wanted to go so I sent her. She went all day. She had a blast the first day. She got 'adopted' by 2 elites in the gym and they are looking out for her. She came home from camp yesterday and wanted me to walk her through her 4 events so she could figure out what new skills she could possibly work on. I am thinking to myself 'are you kidding me, what happened to my baby?'. She is so focused and knows what is going on. I packed a Barbie lunch box for her yesterday and again this morning. She asked me to switch her lunch box to a different one we have because she wanted to be 'cool'. I didn't even know the word cool at 5.
LOL :laughing:!!! You mean to tell me that Barbie isn't "cool" at age 5 anymore???? Kids grow up so fast...:(

But, I am glad she enjoyed camp :D.
LOL :laughing:!!! You mean to tell me that Barbie isn't "cool" at age 5 anymore???? Kids grow up so fast...:(

But, I am glad she enjoyed camp :D.

LOL. My Daughter started that at age 5. Nothing Barbie, or princesses on it. She says she is too old for that.
Man!!! These kids are missing out!! Too old for princesses and Barbie at age 5???? Next, they will be wanting cell phones and ipods "like the big girls", too I guess...
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Here is my 2 cents... Not so much on the camp (which I totally think it's way too young) but kids at this age who are in a hurry to grow up. I have an issue with kids who prefer to only hang with kids who are older, much older. They do it either because they are being babied and get all the attention and/or they think they are better than other kids their own age. Either way, it's an attitude thing on its own. It's just not healthy.
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Glad the camp worked out with her. :) Sounds like a great situation! My 6 year old was too young for camp this year. They had to be 7 to go to the LSU camp. It is a busy day for the kids at camp-breakfast at 7:30, 3hours of gym, lunch, swimming, gymnastics for 3 more hours, dinner, open gym for a couple of hours, and evening actvities with lights out at 10. I think El would have done fine with it, but isn't old enough. She would have enjoyed being there watching the college girls do gymnastics.
NotAMom- My dd has 2 older sisters, one going off to college on a full academic scholarship for medicine and one who will be a senior. She has just grown up with older girls and definately doesn't get babied or thinks she is better than kids her own age. It is just the way things are. She is definately a leader at her school and she gets along great with kids her own age and is very respectful and kind to them. Enough said!
Sometimes it is may not an attitude thing but more a maturity thing. Some 5 year olds may just be more mature than others. My oldest daughter was that way.
Call it whatever you like. The point is regardless of background a 5-yo should only WANT TO hang with other kids similiar to her age and not so eager to try to impress and fit in with her "friends" outside of the family who are considerably older than her. If she sees them as adults or authority figures (obviously parents included), that is another matter. She is only 5 yo so of course other 5 yos are acceptable to her. Can you say the same in the years to come?

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