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Sep 27, 2010
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So we've completed 2 weeks at our new gym. Dd is loving every minute of it! Because I don't want to give the gym the impression that 1) I'm an overbearing parent who thinks my daughter is SO advanced and they just don't see it, or 2) I'm terribly ignorant (which I am, in fact) I thought I'd ask the CB experts where it sounds like she fits in based on what she can do now.

To avoid anyone assuming I'm trying to rush my dd into levels for which she's not ready, I am in NO HURRY. I am just curious as to how this stuff works so that I understand!

Dd is 6.5 yo now, she is about 43 inches tall and weighs about 42 lbs. She has an athletic build and is fast and pretty flexible. She started gym last Feb (5 y 9 mo) they put her on their L1 "team" (in house competitions only) in march. She did 2 meets and then started training L3 in May, bypassing L2, so she had a lot to learn. Because we live in a big city with many gym choices, we decided (with the help of this forum) to switch gyms to one with a national reputation for training elites/Olympians, mainly because dd went for a trial class and LOVED it, but also because I figured if they know how to train at that level, their rec classes and lower levels must be taught well.

So...we are 2 weeks in. I want to preface by saying my opinions are based on my UNTRAINED eye and that I'm trying to give an objective view. She is in the 6-9 yo adv class and appears to be the most advanced in her group (recreational class). They did evaluations this week just to see where they stand (we get results next week). Here is what she was able to do (please excuse me if I don't know the terms)...

Bars: pullover, 3 casts (pointed toes and straight legs--I was surprised!) and then she did a full circle under the bar and back to the starting position. (whats that called?) Then a couple of casts and put her feet on the bar in a straddle, swung under to dismount. Is that a mill circle? It wasn't pretty, legs were a little bent, but she was the only one who could do it.

Beam: on the tall beam, she pushed up and straddled the beam (legs pretty straight and toes pointed), came up to a nice v position, then swung her legs behind her onto the beam and squatted to standing (no wobbles). She did an arabesque (though it wasn't very high, maybe 45 degrees),then a swung her legs back then kicked up in front (not quite 90 degrees but close) to take 2 steps forward. Tuck jump (horrible, her definite weakness) not much air and not much tuck either! She tried again and did better but wobbled. Then a tuck dismount.

Rope: climbed the rope to the ceiling-- this thoroughly impressed me because I'm sure that I couldn't get off the floor but somehow I think this is expected of her.

Floor: handstand straight legs and pointed toes for about a 2 seconds. She can do a handstand to bridge then kick back over. Back bend walkover, but legs slightly bent. Roundoff isn't very pretty but getting better. She can almost do the splits all 3 ways, but not quite.

Vault: didn't see it but she's doing handstand to flat back.

What I like most about the new gym is that they are concentrating on skills, whereas the other gym was teaching a full routine for competition. I like this approach better.

So... I know this is hard to do without seeing the form and all, but what does it sound like to you? Also, until the gym approaches us about moving into a different class (when they think she's ready, of course) what can we do with her to improve short of enrolling in more hours per week (we are already doing 3 hours)? She wants to go more, but until an expert says so, I'm not comfortable with more. She wants to practice at home, but I discourage anything other than cartwheel and handstands because I'm no coach and it seems dangerous to me. She even asked if I'd buy her a floor beam...
I think what she did on the bars was a back hip circle and then she had a dismount. She sounds like she is working on level three skills. My 6-year-old is also level 3 and can do these skills. Good for her! Sounds like she is doing great.
Sorry, I meant to write a sole circle dismount instead of just dismount. Lol
"To avoid anyone assuming I'm trying to rush my dd into levels for which she's not ready, I am in NO HURRY. I am just curious as to how this stuff works so that I understand!"

First of all, let me commend you for this statement. You are off to a very good start on this journey IMO. As I am so fond of saying, 'Gymnastics is a marathon, not a sprint' and 'Slow and Steady wins this race'. I have a few suggestions.

1. Listen to her coaches and let them teach your dd gymnastics. After All, that is what you are paying for. They will let you know when she is raedy to move up. Trust them.

2. Always remember that this is your dd's sport. She will go as far in this sport as her talent and her desire will take her.

3. Avoid the temptation to install home equiptment such as bars and beams. Some gymnastics will happen at home, but keep it limited to handstands and cartwheels. Leave the serious training to her coaches in the gym.

Good luck to her and to you.
Well it sounds like she is learning / perfecting some level 2 skills and some level 3 skills. But she does not have all her level 3 skills and she would not be competing level 3 this fall and possibly not this spring [if the gym competed the lower levels]. What is the next class or training group she would be promoted to?

You could tell her coaches she is asking for more hours. Sometimes they will take that into account in promotion decisions. Or they could let you know what would be the best class to add, if they think she's not.

My DD was doing 5 hours a week starting at about age 5y3m, six a week by age 5y8m. She wanted them ... I think if they want the hours it is OK.
Gymdad2, thanks for the support. I know from other sport experience that the desire has to be hers...but it's hard to explain--I feel the excitement coming from her. It's an amazing feeling! She is constantly doing handstands and asking me to watch her do bwo's etc. I want so much to encourage her and make sure she's getting the training she needs to improve without going overboard. Don't worry--I'll let it be her career...I just need help understanding whether I ask questions or just sit back and let the coaches in the recreational program tell me when/if she's ready. I know their must be many different types of parents--some who have their kids in the program for exercise some for flexibility, some for strength. I just hope they understand that if they think she should do more hours, we'd do's like she's hungry for practice and I love that about her. Again, I'm in no rush, but she seems interested, willing, and from what I can tell, capable. Personally, I think she just needs more time to practice.

Well it sounds like she is learning / perfecting some level 2 skills and some level 3 skills. But she does not have all her level 3 skills and she would not be competing level 3 this fall and possibly not this spring [if the gym competed the lower levels]. What is the next class or training group she would be promoted to?

You could tell her coaches she is asking for more hours. Sometimes they will take that into account in promotion decisions. Or they could let you know what would be the best class to add, if they think she's not.

My DD was doing 5 hours a week starting at about age 5y3m, six a week by age 5y8m. She wanted them ... I think if they want the hours it is OK.

The plan was to compete L3 this spring before we changed gyms, and those skills above aren't all...just those they tested this week. But I agree, they all need refining.

The next step up is actually within her same class, but they would categorize her as advanced gold. Then apparently the next step is an invitation only class called advanced elite. I guess I need to ask what the requirements are for progressing to each so that I at least understand what's next. I'm hoping that I will make a few friends at the new gym soon who can kind of "show me the ropes."

And NewtoGym,you're right...I asked her and she said it was a back hip circle. Where can I see and learn all these moves and their names?!?
I think GymDad2 nailed it. There also seems to be a honeymoon phase many times with gym changes. For a few weeks everything is super and nothing can go wrong. Then reality sets in and there are a few minor bumps in the road----nothing that can't be worked out or resolve on their own.

Absolutely do nothing at home unless dd wants to practice some handstands, cartwheels or splits---only things she is currently doing now in the gym. Put a time limit on it and make sure she "switches gears" and goes to do something else.

As for more hours, she's only been there 2 weeks. You might mention it to the coach when you get her evaluation, but its not something I would rush into right now.
Here is a website that describes different skills.

Link Removed
Congrats to her on a great start at the new gym! I hope that she continues to do well and they move her up when she's ready.

It's been awhile since my daughter was doing those skills (she's a level 9 now), but for a beginning student, your daughter is doing great! I used to coach rec classes and the back hip circle was always a tough one--congrats to your daughter on getting it already!
That's all level 3 stuff- to me she sounds like a level 3. Depending on your gym they may or may not compete at this level- many gyms do not. My guess is she'll be placed on pre-team/developmental and either compete level 3 or train to compete level 4 or 5 sometime in the future.

It all depends on the gym though. What I have found on our gym journey:

*Some gyms know who they want on team/pre-team and it often makes no sense to the untrained (parent) eye

* Some gyms have age limits for who they choose- and they are often very young (4 and 5 years old) 6 and 7 year olds can be seen as too old at very highly competitive gyms.

Enjoy her journey and progress as a gymnast. Make sure she wants this. What does she want? Does she want to be on the team?
That's all level 3 stuff- to me she sounds like a level 3. Depending on your gym they may or may not compete at this level- many gyms do not. My guess is she'll be placed on pre-team/developmental and either compete level 3 or train to compete level 4 or 5 sometime in the future.

It all depends on the gym though. What I have found on our gym journey:

*Some gyms know who they want on team/pre-team and it often makes no sense to the untrained (parent) eye

* Some gyms have age limits for who they choose- and they are often very young (4 and 5 years old) 6 and 7 year olds can be seen as too old at very highly competitive gyms.

Enjoy her journey and progress as a gymnast. Make sure she wants this. What does she want? Does she want to be on the team?

I agree with you GymGirl's Mom, I found a copy of the level 3 routines that her old gym was teaching her and while her form isn't perfect on all of them, she can do all the skills...they definitely still need work, though. I feel like if she were going to compete, L3 is where she would be.

Where I get confused is, I think she is training L4 skills, too. At least, I think she is...aren't these L4? Bhs (though she doesn't have it yet), handstand flat back on vault, which she can do, though not every time. Handstand bridge kickover on floor--she does this REALLY well when you remind her to point her toes and keep her legs straight. And she can do the backward pike roll. Her main problems are that darn bhs and anything on the bars--she really struggles with bars, but I've heard that's common.

Our gym doesn't actually compete until L5, but they start team at L4. I'm really worried about your bullet list, though. This is a VERY competitive gym--as in, known world wide--so I really hope that they don't think a 6.5 yo L3 is too old for them. Or if she is too old and doesn't fit there, I hope they tell us that so I can find another gym where she can at least compete and have fun (so that we CAN enjoy the journey) even if she's not cut out for their team. This is the part that has concerned me from the start...I wanted to go to them because they're the best around and figured she'd get really good basics there, but if she's not good enough for their team, I want to find somewhere so she can compete and be happy, even if they're not "the best."

As for your question--yes, she definitely wants to be on the team. Not so much to compete right away, but to get the attention to her skills that she wants to learn. She left the L3 team (where she would have competed) at her old gym because I explained to her that they didn't go beyond L4. In fact, just last night (again) she asked if we could add another day of gym so that she can learn more and have more practice so she can make the team...that would take us to 3 days (4 hours), and I don't have a problem with it, but I just don't think that adding another rec class is the answer.

After I get evaluation results and talk to her coach, I think I will know more. I know that there is definitely a progression path, the question is, will she ever get past the advanced elite class and onto team at this particular gym. I guess we'll see!
I am the kind of person who would ask. When your get her evaluation form is there a meeting that goes along with it? I would schedule one with the coach as he/she hands you the form. I would tell him/her what your DD is asking you for (more hours) and ask if there is a class that would meet for more hours. I would also mention to the coach that DD was going to compete Level 3 at your old gym and ask if there are "tryouts" for the team or how team girls are selected. Good luck. Sounds like she is progressing quickly and doing great!
I am the kind of person who would ask. When your get her evaluation form is there a meeting that goes along with it? I would schedule one with the coach as he/she hands you the form. I would tell him/her what your DD is asking you for (more hours) and ask if there is a class that would meet for more hours. I would also mention to the coach that DD was going to compete Level 3 at your old gym and ask if there are "tryouts" for the team or how team girls are selected. Good luck. Sounds like she is progressing quickly and doing great!

At this level of class there is not a meeting that coincides with the evaluation. I believe they monitor progress in the class and then there is an "invitation only" development class. I called today and asked advice (since dd is asking for more and its driving me crazy not to understand the process) and it was suggested that maybe a few private lessons (since we are still new) might get the coach a better idea of her skills and how quickly she would learn. I think I would prefer that to adding another class where she'd still not be individually coached. Maybe a couple of privates would give them a good look at her--and maybe it would help her skills, too, to have that 1-on-1 time.

Any thoughts on that?
I absolutely would not pay for private lessons to have a coach "evaluate" your dd when she's only been there for a few weeks. The coach she has for class knows she's new and should be watching her and getting some idea of her strengths/weaknesses.

Its good dd is excited and likes the new gym, but its time to just take a deep breath and stand back for a little while.
I agree with Gym Law Mom. Is her current class small? She was just evaluated. I'd wait and see what comes of the eval. They just saw her skills and know what she is capeable of. Sit back, take a deep breath and wait a bit. Tell your daughter she is doing everything she can right now and she needs to focus on doing her best work and trying hard at her practices. You'll get clarity over the next few months. If you have a lot of questions after you get her evaluation form, once again, I would not hesitate to ask the coach if you can meet and talk.
Just a quick update...I just got a copy of dd's evaluation. They advanced her to the next class level (after only 2 weeks at this gym!) I'm looking though the list of skills she now has to master before being moved to the developmental team, and she can already do most on the list, but now she can work on perfecting them. I'm feeling much better now. I think this is the class she belongs in. Thanks for the support!
Congrats to her! She must be thrilled to be moving up!

She was SO excited! Especially when they told her that based on her scores on this eval, she really only needs to get her robhs and she'll be ready to move up because she has the rest (I know, I know..."only" needs her robhs, but still...) The next class is their developmental team (L4) and they don't compete externally, but they hold in-house meets to get experience. From there, they choose their team. They are extremely selective because of their reputation, so she may never make their team, but by then we should be able to go just about anywhere else if she wants to compete. I did make a point to let them know that 1) we want to be on team, and 2) if she's unable to make their team that we would appreciate honest feedback so that we can take her somewhere so that she DOES have a chance to make it. They were extremely receptive--especially after they realized I was being realistic about how competitive their team is, so I am now very comfortable with where she is and what comes next. They also said that she is definitely not too old at 6.5 since she already has the L3 skills and is basically doing most L4 skills as well--just not robhs! Need robhs fairies!!!:D
Mother's intuition never fails. ;) Congrats to her.
I just had a feeling...Thank you! :cool:

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