New here! DD's trial class was today!!

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Aug 25, 2008
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My four year old had her first class this morning. We went to look at the gym last Tuesday and ever since then our house has been a gymnasium for all of her waking hours. I'm having to try to satiate her appetite for "gynastics" by looking up videos of little gymnasts on YouTube! She started asking to go at 7:45 this morning and her class didn't start until 10:30! She did great and was the only student, so I was super excited for her to get all that one on one attention! Her coach even put her on the beam (the tall one) and held her hand as she walked all the way down and jumped off. She had a little trouble on the tumble track - she was supposed to do 3 little bouces, then pop down on her tush in a pike position an back up to a stand, but every time she would bouce too hard and also not pike but cross her legs pretzel style. She was disappointed when the class ended and it took me 20 more minutes to get her out of the building. She told me when we got home that she wants to "train" longer at the gym! She is now supposed to be taking her nap but all she wants to do is gymnastics practice. I am so glad she's having so much fun, though. Is her intensity normal? I'm already starting to worry she's going to burn out!!
sounds awfully familiar - sorry :D

My DD is 8, usually have to turn out the lights in the gym or coach carries her out if it is not closing time. :eek:
How cute! She won't burn out, she is just excited like any toddler would be when all:p they see is soft mats, climbing things, and bouncy trampolines.:)
I'm glad she had fun!!!

My just-turned-3-yesterday cries because he only gets to go once a week and his sisters go more. SO I'd say the intensity is pretty much normal!!

Around here, I think I see more feet and bottoms on the air than I do smiling faces anymore... ;)
LOL! That story was so cute! It sounds all too familiar around here. It's the nature of the sport. I have a 4 year old who just learned her cartwheel and forgot how to walk:eek:. She cartwheels everywhere. At school she has been reprimanded on several occasions time- cartwheel, nap time- cartwheel, lunchtime-cartwheel, etc. And my 5 year old spends her time upside down on her hands, or prancing around and leaping. I laugh just thinking about it. In fact I think I've become kind of used to it and they'll do stuff and it won't phase me now. While other people out in public are in shock!!

Your dd sounds like a very active, high energy little girl. I have found though that instead of gymnastics being an energy outlet it sometimes makes it worse because know they want to practice everything they did in class. I also wouldn't worry too much about burning out. As long as she is happy let her lead the way. My 5 year old who is on team trains 9 hours a week sometimes up to 12. (but that's rare) At our gym parents have flexibilty with their hours. I try to stay atuned to my dd for signs of tiredness, fatigue, or just needing extra down time etc. Oh and make sure she has other interest too and tries several different things. Remember she is still so young and that she doesn't need to be committed to gymnastics 100% :)
How long had Olivia taken gymnastics when she started doing her press handstands? And, wow, 9 hours a week at the gym? I think my DD would be in heaven! But I think we'd have to win the lottery first :p!!
How long had Olivia taken gymnastics when she started doing her press handstands? And, wow, 9 hours a week at the gym? I think my DD would be in heaven! But I think we'd have to win the lottery first :p!!

Haha! I am right there with you!:greedy:
Olivia started a preschool gym class at 3.5 yrs old. She was in Preteam by her 4th b-day. She first started doing a straddle press from the floor when she was 4.5 yrs old. But I must say Olivia was born with crazy strength. Julia for instance has done the same and is no where near a straddle press. All kids are different. I don't think it's usual for 4, 5 and even 6 yrs to be able to do straddle presses. Our gym is $205 a month for 9 hours and $215 for 12 hrs. It's almost cheaper to go 5 or 6 days a week(15 hrs wk) for $230. It's there way of getting your gymmie in there everyday. I try very hard to slow down the process and limit her hours. I get pressured from coaches, parents and even teamates to bring dd in everyday!! I am like she is only 5 yrs old. They did get me for Team Summer Camp. DD did 8 weeks of gym!:eek: And she loved every minute of it! So go figure! I just really try to stay connected with her and feel her out. How many hours a week is your dd going? Julia was just promoted to a Level 1 class and goes twice a week for an hour and half. Julia does not consider 3 hours a week nearly enough. But I just remind her to keep working hard so she can joined Special team and train 3 hours blocks like she really wants to. She lacks some maturity and focus still. But you never know...maybe by the end of the school year she'll be right on track. Keep us posted on your dd and her class. And if you have any question feel free to ask. There are plenty of moms on this board with little ones just entering competitive gymnastic. Olivia has her first L3 competition in 2 weeks. We are all very excited!
It sounds like you're in for gymnastics everywhere all the time now. Join the club! LOL I have to tell my daughter "no gymnastics at the dinner table," if you can believe it! She loves the arm motions for the L4 routine and does them constantly.
It sounds like you're in for gymnastics everywhere all the time now. Join the club! LOL I have to tell my daughter "no gymnastics at the dinner table," if you can believe it! She loves the arm motions for the L4 routine and does them constantly.
Haha! DD came into the kitchen one evening with a sandwich or cracker or something and said, "Look, Mommy, this is how to eat like gynastics. You hold it like this straight out. Then, you bite it like this. Then you make a wave, wave!":rotfl:Dh and I had to turn around because we were cracking up so hard!!!
That's so cute! My mum often says of my twelve year old cousin that she sees more of her feet than her face - and she only does gym recreationally! She likes standing on her head, so she spends most of her time upside down :p. It's quite odd walking into the living room to find a pair of feet apparently watching TV...

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