My daughter (who will be 5 this month) has done gymnastics and LOVED it since she was 2 1/2. She has finished one year in a preteam class and just last week began training for level 2 competition. She has always always been ecstatic to go to class, and constantly practiced at home. She is extremely motivated to learn new things (ie: hours a day independently working on her back handspring on a mattress in the living room floor, sit-ups on her own, etc.). She has attended 2 meets as a spectator and has been looking forward all year to competing herself! Her coaches are wonderful and always very positive with the kids! However, she has stated a couple of times since starting her team practices that she doesn't want to go to gymnastics anymore. Lately, since they have been learning routines, and trying to really perfect their skills-the coaches have been pointing out every detail ( slightly bend legs, etc.) to bring to the kids' attention what they need to change. She is getting stressed and emotional about it-feeling that they "hate her gymnastics" and don't think she is doing well. She feels like she is getting in trouble
and that their pointers are "mean and bossy." I watch the practices and can tell you that the coaches are as kind and positive as they can be, but yes--are definitely pointing out EVERYTHING they see to help the kids learn the correct way to do each skill. Is there a way I can explain to her their reason for this, and to help her just listen, learn, and enjoy her practices?? (And to understand why everything is getting detail oriented) Or is she just not ready for this kind of training, maybe needs another year of fun rec classes? This has totally blindsided me-and I'm not sure how best to handle it as a mom.