Parents Next stop states . . .

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Proud Parent
we had a meet scheduled in two weeks. dd was going to compete on Floor and beam a level up and was really excited about the opportunity. Learned new routines and worked really hard . . . we just found out they cancelled the meet. I am very relieved that she is ok with it. Doesn't seem upset about it at all.

Me on the other hand . . . I'm disappointed. They had a total of 3 . . THREE meets this season and one was local in our gym.

I can't help but wonder how prepared they are for states. I'm going to think positive - nothing I can do - it is what it is. They had 2 meets in Dec & team cup Feb . . . that was it.

I really don't know what else to say. She hasn't even competed against anyone her age.

That sucks. As long as she knows she is just out there to do her best and have fun, then I guess for now, unless you are ready to just take her out of her current gym and start her at the USAG one, you just have to hold on until all her meets are done. :(

I am sure she will do great and have a blast! :D
She'll do great, uour girls only ever do three meets and they don't seem any less prepared, though they do attack these meets with gusto as they only have three chances to shine. I would only talk posistively to her about this, it can ONLY be a good thing!
For USAIGC we normally only do 2 meets b/c some of our girls are still in USAG season. This yr, my DD's did a meet on April 4th and won't have anything else till States at the end of May except for Little Monkey who is still in her L5 season. My LM also has not competed against kids in her own age group as her bronze gr in the last meet was 7 to 10, and her silver gr was 8-13!!! The coach and I are still undecided whether she will actually compete up in Silver at States, because the age groups are so "unknown".

As for your DD, I'm sure she will do fine. Just tell her to pretend that everytime she does a routine at practice, there is a judge there :) She'll do fine!

BTW, looks like we're going to skip Nationals this yr, we are saving our pennies to do a couple of USAG travel meets instead!
. My LM also has not competed against kids in her own age group as her bronze gr in the last meet was 7 to 10, and her silver gr was 8-13!!! The coach and I are still undecided whether she will actually compete up in Silver at States, because the age groups are so "unknown".

BTW, looks like we're going to skip Nationals this yr, we are saving our pennies to do a couple of USAG travel meets instead!

The one meet she competed individually against other kids she was placed in 10 and under . . . her being the under and everyone else being 10. There will be no silver for her at all. Which is a shame since she worked so hard on learning new routines.

This is our first and last year USAIGC. As soon as we return from nationals we're switching gyms and moving to USAG.

Honestly I'm not sure she understands that she can't compete silver at states.

Sorry i won't see you at Nationals - but some travel meets sounds like a good trade off!
you just have to hold on until all her meets are done. :(

I am sure she will do great and have a blast! :D

I came so close to calling the new gym and asking if they would take her to states and nationals. As the only under 12 on the team she's going to compete alone at nationals . . and I think at states also. The current gym is also playing musical coaches . . . sigh . . they really are making it hard to stick around till the end of the season. The team is just about half of the number of girls it was in September. :(

On a good note, that meet was at the same time as a chorus performance . . . I have to make some calls, hopefully I can still get her in that.
it can ONLY be a good thing!

I'm trying to think positive - nothing I can do about it anyway.

This was her first season and it has just been . . . disappointing.

I'm sure at least your 3 meets were spread out and against other teams

The girls were all loosing there umph with the long break . . . now the break is 2 weeks longer . . . :(

I'm just very thankful DD is only 7 and none of the drama at the gym has really involved her and she's staying motivated visiting the new gym.
Oh no our 3 meets are against exactly the same teams and same girls everytime. Little Bog was 9 and had to compete with the 10-12 year old group as we had a political breakdown in the region. But it's that are nothing here!
I came so close to calling the new gym and asking if they would take her to states and nationals. As the only under 12 on the team she's going to compete alone at nationals . . and I think at states also.

I feel your pain as LM has always been the youngest and usually competing alone. She was 6 when she started L4/bronze and all of the other girls her level were 9 and up! The next yr when she was 7 they were still all older. This is the first yr that she actually has a couple of L4's that are her age, so I'm glad we kept her in L5 another yr, but next Fall she will again be the only young L6 with the other 2 girls at 11 yrs old! However, as they get older the age gap gets to be less noticeable :) My oldest is 12 and some of her teammates are 15, and THAT drama is so much worse b/c now there are boy issues involved!

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