Parents ok decison made and starting to freak out

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Nov 17, 2009
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Ok, I have decided to move dd to a new gym. Her optional team has fallen apart and the next level kids are lv5 and so, there is no one to practice her skills with. I have 2 gyms I want to choose from. One she would repeat level 7 but they do alot of conditioning and it is a lot closer to us. The other, she would compete lv 8 but it is a new gym and is not well established. Anyway, she is going to try first gym to see if it is a good fit. My problem is my other 2 dds are staying at the gym. One dd is a dancer and this place has a good dance program the other is a super tot in gymnastics and loves the coach. So, I have not told coach yet and need to, just wondering what to say and hope I am not being unrealistic with wanting to keep the other two there. Thought it was a good idea when I found this place 5 years ago because all 3 found something at one place, but am now regreting it because this makes it harder. Any thoughts, anyone?
good luck. if it was some of us we wouldn't have a problem with it at all. but after i have read some of the stuff here at this site i'm not sure what i could say that could help you. keep us posted.:)
best of luck to you. I would be stressing out too. In a perfect gym world every coach would be like Dunno & be ok with this. Sadly, many times it does not turn out that way. I hooe the coaches are understanding and that your DD has a good fit with her new gym.

life is never easy, is it?

keep us posted.
Good luck to you and the girls. I hope that the gym would be understanding but you never know what they are going to do.

Honestly though if it were me I would move them all. Kids adapt especially when they are young to new situations fairly quickly and it would be easier for your family if there isn't the back and forth and possible future scheduling issues.

We are also going through a gym switch with my 2 daughters. We needed to switch programs for my older DD, but I decided younger DD and tiny DD (she only does rec classes) had to go too. I considered for a minute or two keeping younger DD at the old gym, but realistically I could just not see it. I thought it would be really hard on everybody and just decided to make a clean break. Last week was our first week at the new gym and the girls did really well adjusting for the most part. I am definitely having a MUCH harder time than the girls. It is very stressful but I know we will all get through it and we will come to love our new gym.

As far as the question on whether to move the other 2 DD's, if you feel like it is what you want/need to do then all you can do is ask and see what the owners/coaches say and hope for the best. I am a firm believer that things work out the way they are supposed to and while change is stressful it can also be good. (I just need to keep repeating that over and over to myself, ha ha).
Personally, I couldn't see keeping my other two kids there, if I moved one. I think seeing the coaches there whenever I picked up and dropped off would be too hard. But, you know you best--so give it a try and see if it works out. And let us know how the tryouts go at both gyms!
I literally just did daughters are in two different gyms 40 minutes apart with completely different training schedules ( one trains 8 am til 2:30 pm every day and the other trains 3 pm til 7:30 - 8 pm M-F) because the fit in our first gym just wasn't right for one of my girls but it was completely right for the one who remained can it hard? yes, but I wanted my girls to both be happy with their gymnastics so the sacrifice is made....I am not in the first gym much due to the logistics of driving everyone to where they need to be so I haven't experienced any of the awkwardness that you fear....and with today's economy, don't be so sure that your original gym will ask you to leave because that would be three tuitions walking out the door instead of one. When I told our HC/owner what I had decided he didn't agree with me but I just said that I had to do what I felt was best for my kid at this time and didn't debate the issue, also reassured him that my other daughter would remain and he seemed ok with it.
told coach

Ok, I told the coach. She seemed to take it well, like she was expecting it. Introductory coach seemed a little anoyed(this is the one that teaches my smallest). Next week camp, then off to new gym:)
Ok, I told the coach. She seemed to take it well, like she was expecting it. Introductory coach seemed a little anoyed(this is the one that teaches my smallest). Next week camp, then off to new gym:)
Good luck with camp...and then the new gym! Keep us posted!
WOW! ok, day 3 at New Gym and no drama! I love the new gym! I just hope she measures up. She has learned soooo much in 3 days! She has become a serious gymnast and she says that in comparison the other training was a joke? Her words. Thinking of moving the little one now. She does gymnatics. Just wondering, since I got burned having the kids together before, when do you know a gymnast should take it seriously?
When they tell you either by actions or words. I would really move all the kid to make my lilfe easier - kids adapt quickly.
I don't think they ever should be that serious that they don't have fun. My 14 yo just finally 3 weeks ago got that "serious attitude" and drive going hopefully into L8 in the fall. She has done this since mom and me classes.

What are you looking for to "show they are serious" I guess is the question and just how serious do they really have to be? Can they just to it for the fun of it and still advance or do they have to place at meets to show their serious?
You've got to take your cues from your child. If she isn't ready or doesn't want to be serious, she will not like being a program where she is required to do so. Does she seem to be interested in her older sister's excitement with the new gym? A lot of attitude can rub off between siblings and the younger ones wnat to be like the older ones- or exactly the opposite. You know your child the best.
It seems like the new gym is more serious at level 7, but that doesn't mean they are hard on the little ones. I would think that even the most competitive gyms treat preschoolers like preschoolers. But I do think it would be easier to switch now, *before* she wants to be serious. I made that mistake of picking the convenient gym at first, thinking that if she really loved it and wanted to be more serious about it (ie. join team, etc), we could check out other gyms for the best fit. But the truth is, once you get to that point, you are already attached to a gym and its coaches, and more offense may be taken at that point.
Never assume anything with kid's sports. Before moving little one, sit and watch a class at the new gym and talk with the coaches. That way you know whether this will be a good move now or not.
Sounds like the dd that does dance will just stay where she is and that shouldn't be a problem since she's in the dance and not gymnastics program.

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