WAG Older gymnasts, lower levels

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Deleted member 17723

Are there any other old gymnast at a lower level out there? I'm going to be a level 4 as a 14-15 year old. I know, I know, I'm old for compulsory, but I'm not old in life. I can't drive, I can't work, etc. However in the sport of Gymnastics I am old. I'm dreading this season for one reason... Being such an old level 4. Anyone wanna comfort me out there? I'm in region 6 by the way. I compete YMCA and USAG. I know I can take corrections better, know the sport better, etc; but it's hard knowing I might be competing by myself.
Ok so take my reply how you will, I'm a mom of a younger gymnast at a higher level. BUT. I have such a high respect for the "older" gymnasts at "lower" levels. I am in Ontario Canada and we just recently started to change our system to the USAG style system. Our club hosted a meet where for the first time I was able to watch girls of all ages compete lower compulsory levels.

I absolutely loved watching the age 16+ group competing at level 3 and 4. There were only 3 rotations so maybe 15 or 16 of them, but i swear to see their enthusiasm, and especially the way all the girls from many different gyms were so supportive of each other was amazing!

Sure it's cute to see 8 year olds competing those routines, but to see teens doing them, is just a testament to how gymnastics is an amazing sport for any age.

Good luck to you and never give up because you think you are too....anything. Too old, too young, too tall, too short, too whatever...

You should be proud to be where you are and know that you can set an example to the younger girls about attitude, determination and knowing that loving the sport is more important than any other part of it!

My DD is 14. She might be a L3, 4, 5, or 6. She signed onto JO in May by agreeing to whatever level the coach thought was best. They haven't decided yet. She is the oldest compulsory in the gym for sure at the moment. She looks kinda like a giant next to her teammates too. But she loves gymnastics. LOVES it. And she doesn't seem to care if she's the oldest girl at every comp. she says someone has to be, right. Funny thing is, though.. Last year she did xcel gold and her age groups had 13-25 year olds in it (per published birth dates) but we could never really tell who was the older end and who was the younger end. The leotards are the great leveler- you all look the same! Ha ha. Seriously, it'll be fine and it'll be good- enjoy it!
I'm 14 and will either be Xcel gold or platinum and I feel your struggle. Before I joined Xcel last summer (2014) I was in an intermediate rec class that was for I think 8+ year olds. If was lucky there would only be a 1 or 2 year difference between me and the next oldest girl. Trust me, the younger ones actually do look up to you and there's no such thing as "too old" for your level! Just enjoy the sport and don't pay too much attention to stuff like that. <3
Kipper's best gym friend ever was a girl 4 years older than her. They competed together for four years. She remains one of my favorite people ever! She was an amazing team mate. She worked hard and set a great example. She was a beautiful gymnast to watch, especially on beam. She left gym to pursue other school-related activities, (she is extremely talented in music and academics also) but we still stay in touch. I hope she and Kipper will always be friends.
I can't say it any better than @Canadian_gym_mom. The only thing I can add is that, as an "older" gymnast, you will most likely find yourself moving through the levels much faster. Your ability to listen and apply corrections will make you much more successful than a younger, less-focused teammate. However, be aware that with great power comes great responsibility. The younger girls will look up to you as an example. Remember that in your words and actions.

Good luck!

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