Good question Margo! I was asking the other day, as I'd heard there was a rash of coaches trying to get girls through the level 2 this year so they went straight to espoir before the new level 1 came in next year, and didn't Marie say something about having managed to create her first espoirs, after the levels, which made sense? But the coach I spoke to said all the current level 2 girls have to do level 1 now, so I'm not 100% sure which is correct?!
I guess if you pass level 2 and 1 the first year possible then yes, you get one year at espoir. After that it's all a muddle in my head and I haven't really tried to unpick it.
You're right it's Rochelle style and I made a generalisation. I'm not familiar with any gymnasts from Europa who aren't touched with the Rochelle style, but there must be some - interestingly I think it's one of the few styles which is actually recognisable as being from a certain coach/club. I can't think of any other club which has that.