Parents that just walk out into the gym....ahhhh!

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Sep 3, 2005
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7,780 I had a parent walk all the way across the gym the other day to talk to me while I was spotting bars up on a platform. The parent said..."Sorry we're late...I need to talk to you...but I have to go because I parked in the drop-off lane out front...can we talk later?"


Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin' out the scenery, breakin' my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign?
I should have said..."Yes...we can talk. Not today though...I'm busy telling parents not to walk in front of the gymnasts that are tumbling into the pit...then I have to call a tow truck for the car that parked in the fire lane...then I have to continue coaching."
in true Bill Engvall form, you should have replied....."here's you sign"......
We have had a no parents on the floor policy in which our HC usually would go block them once they started walking on the floor.

A lot of times, I'll just go walk to them and tell the team captain to stay on task.
Do you have a way for parents to communicate with you?

At my daughter's gym, they do not answer email, and you can't get them on the phone. You can leave a message and they will usually get back to you in 24 hours, but sometimes you have something to tell a coach about an injury, or an upset (young ) child. when I need to talk to a coach (less then once a month), I need to send my daughter over to the coach and have them some to the side to talk to me. I feel like I am summoning them and being demanding, which is uncomfortable, but there's no other way.
well that's certainly better than just walking out in to the gym/work space.:)
Communication at my daughters gym is frustrating as well. I am simply looking for a progress update. 1 year in and I have never once gotten any feedback from a coach. They do not come out of gym. Gym owners should consider making coaches communicate progress every four months. I would love to hear from coaches on how they share progress information with parents. I have e mailed and never gotten a reply.
JBS- I would be livid! I was headed out of a parent club meeting a few nights ago, (the meeting is in a coach break room adjacent to the team girls' locker room,) and found a rec parent wandering around near the team locker room- which they had to have crossed two floors and past 5 beams to get to. I asked if I could help her and she said she was "just checking things out," and had been curious as to what was in those rooms "back here." I assured her that I was sure she could arrange for a tour at some point when the team girls were NOT practicing and escorted her back to the waiting area.

Communication at my daughters gym is frustrating as well. I am simply looking for a progress update. 1 year in and I have never once gotten any feedback from a coach. They do not come out of gym. Gym owners should consider making coaches communicate progress every four months. I would love to hear from coaches on how they share progress information with parents. I have e mailed and never gotten a reply.
Wow! I am spoiled at dd's gym communication wise. Team parents have cell #'s of their girls coaches along with email. Most coaches say they prefer a quick text so they can see it immediately and decide when and how to best get back to parents. Perhaps at your next parent club/booster meeting you can ask them to implement some sort of communication policy? One the one occasion where I wanted coach to be aware of something at the last minute- I simply sent in a note with dd and she delivered it for me just prior to warm ups. Coach sent a text saying she got message and no problem with not tumbling/vaulting that day due to sore heel. I have used email for less pressing things, and have always gotten a response within a day. Our gym owners do have 2 girls on team, though- and a third is a freshman at college on gym scholarship this year- so perhaps this is something they see as important and insist upon. (They just took over gym a couple years ago, and prior to that were "just" parents.)
Thanks. I will just ride season out. Only four meets left. Surprising this gym has not recognized parents begging for feedback. I saw one parent between classes showing a coach cell phone video looking for input. The communication for fees and dues is great. Steady stream of e mails. (sarcasm) I would love to hear from a coach out there.
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At my gym, we used to have so many parents walking in and out. Most of them just want to talk to their kid. As a 13 year old gymnast. They would always walk across the floor. What really was awful was if they had dirty shoes that got all over the floor and mats. I was doing my hardest pass, and one mom just walks right in front of me! as I'm upside down, twisting, two feet behind her! Seriously! When I landed, she moved, but not enough. My feet hit her arm. The important thing was we were both ok. After that, my HC put a sign on the door from the lobby to the gym saying No PArents allowed! They distract not only their kid, but all the other girls on the team! They could seriously hurt a gymnast doing a double back, and she doesn't want to hit them, they will try not to travel that far and they could land on their neck.

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