Off Topic Please spare a thought for my sister in law

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Mar 23, 2009
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Hi all

My sister in law is 28 weeks pregnant, but had a scare the other day when she thought her waters had broken. She went to the dr and they listened to the baby's hearbeat which sounded great, and they told her she probably had cystitis having done a test and gave her some very mild anti biotics.

Yesterday we went out for a meal for my mum's 60th and my sister in law didn't look very well all through the meal. Today she went for an emergency scan which the Dr had ordered to put her mind at ease, however the scan showed that her waters had indeed broken but not in the usual sense - they are more 'seeping'.

She is currently in hospital, just waiting until the waters have totally gone, at which point she will be in labour 12 weeks early. :eek:

The Dr's have told them that there is a 98% survival chance for the baby - which sounds very high, but my brother and sister in law are naturally very worried.

I'm sure they and the rest of my family would really appreciate your prayers, and thoughts!

Thanks for listening!
Wow that must be scary for the whole family and especially for your brother and sister in law. The good news is that by 28 weeks the baby's chances are fabulous and the fact that she is in the hospital mean that no infections will begin and they can make sure drugs are given to help mature the baby's lungs are ready to breathe. The fact that she has already started an antibiotic is good too.

Sending all my good karma her way.

She will however need some VERY small baby clothes. I know Mothercare sells preemie clothes, they are lovely and great for baby dolls afterwards.
Sending good thoughts.

Do know that neonatal care technology and doctor training is fantastic nowadays.
Thanks both, yes it is scary! I actually know someone who had their baby 12 weeks early quite recently, and baby is absolutley fine, just teeny! Sister in law is a big worrier though so just hoping the drs really have put her mind at rest and that she isn't too uptight about everything!

Thanks again for your kind words!
Hi Marie
Is there any news on your sister-in-law? I too was a premie & now in my senior year of college so tell her not to worry:)
@ 28 weeks the baby has a great shot! I'll keep your sister and the baby in my prayers
Hi all,

Thanks again for your messages. Sister in law has now been told that she can't leave the hospital until she has the baby, however long that might take! At first she was a bit upset, well more frustrated really. She has since come round to the idea and has realised she is in the best place. They've already told her that they won't let her go into labour so she will have a ceasarian.

I think she is less worried now - another lady on the ward had the same problem at 26 weeks and was taken it to have the baby on Saturday. That baby is absolutely fine so I think that put her mind at rest about her own baby.

I'll try to keep this thread updated as soon as I know any more!
That's good news, she better off in the hospital, it maybe the most boring place on the planet, but the safest for them both right now. Hopefully her family can keep her amused.
Quick update - Sister in law's waters have totally gone now, so she will have the baby today by ceasarian. However, there are no cots available at the hospital she has been in for a week, so they are taking her by ambulance to another hospital 2 hours away! eek!
She is naturally apprehensive now, but my brother and her mum and dad will both be at the hospital with her.

We just have to hope that she won't go into labour whilst on the journey to the new hospital!
I'll be thinking of your family today. I am sure all will be well.

The NHS needs to invest in more NICU beds, this moving moms seems to happen a lot and two hours is far for family support.
Hi all,

Had a busy couple of days with no internet!

Well - there is still no baby!! After rushing my sister in law off to the new hospital they decided upon arrival that she would be ok not to have the baby just yet. They are keeping her on steroids to prevent her from going into labour. She is still 2 hours away from home too. The hospital gave my brother a doctors apartment for the weekend so that made it easier for him.

Basically its just a waiting game now. They'd like her to hold on until at least 34 weeks, so thats another 5 weeks in hospital - don't know whether that will be closer to home, or whether she will have to stay where she is!

My mum and dad are going to visit tomorrow, so I'll probably have more news then!
I'll update as soon as I know anything
After a long wait with not much news, the baby finally arrived today! its a little boy, named Adam. He was 3lb 4oz so tiny but much bigger than he would have been a few weeks ago!!

My sister in law was sent home from hospital a week or so ago but was being closely monitored! She went into labour at about 4am this morning and had the c-section at 8am.

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COngrats on the safe and healthy arrival of Adam, that is a good weight and he will grow quickly. Wonderful news all around, I bet his Mum can't wait to get home.
Congrates.Hope baby and mom are fine.Also hope baby will come home soon too.

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