The game is a big worry for me. There have been car accidents, with people,playing it while driving. There have been kids wondering onto other people's properties.
I have had to stop the kids from leaving the gym and wandering around the streets to find pole on. We have an older group of students who were supposed to come in for their class (ages 19-20) they didn't turn up and apparently it was because they decided to go Pokemon hunting and never made it to an important lesson. They had been driving around until 3AM the night before looking.
This game will become a huge problem.
Like anything, it can raise problems. But I think this game is, on the whole, beneficial to society. Some examples:
-A friend of mine had a pokemon-catching date. He went out catching pokemon with a girl he met online; it was their first date, and they plan to do it again soon.
-The park near my house, which is normally empty, had 20 or 30 people in it last night. Everybody's dogs played around in the field, and we all had a blast. I saw a 12-year-old kid, a guy covered from head to toe in dreads, tattoos, and piercings, and a well-dressed lady who I'd estimate to be in her 50's, all having an animated discussion about how they could keep the park's gym in the hands of their team.
-A friend who suffers from chronic depression and rarely ever leaves her home has been getting out and making new friends pretty much nonstop since she got this game; talking to her, she seems like a completely different person now, much happier and more active.
-A very-overweight friend who gets next to zero exercise has been making daily walking tours of all the pokestops in his neighborhood (according to him, the route is about two miles) to stock up on pokeballs, catch pokemon, and hatch eggs.
Yes, people are doing stupid things and getting hurt; there have always been people doing stupid things and getting hurt. But it's been a very very long time since this many people spent this much time exercising and socializing.