I've been thinking how I would feel if my DDs gym did this for a while. I guess if it were for a candidate who's views I disagreed with and I got an email that said were doing a commercial for so and so, we'd appreciate you signing a release, but if you don't want to that's okay... I admit, that I would feel a little pressured/obligated to go along w/ the crowd. I would probably be doing a lot of "what are you going to do about this?" to other parents I knew and I'd be having my DD do the same (I know, I know...that's awful, but it's probably what I'd do
). I might even go so far as to sign it provided it was just her in the background and not featured to the point where she was highly identifiable (would probably ask the gym about that to get more info). If it was a candidate I liked, I probably would just sign it w/ a lot less inquiry to what others are doing provided my DD wanted to do it.
However, if my kid showed up in such a commerical w/o my knowledge/consent I'd be quite angry - angry enough to leave a gym I was otherwise happy with, probably not, but angry enough to complain about it and expect an apology. That would be true regardless of if I agreed w/ the views of the candidate or not. It would almost be like taking the gymnasts to a church service w/o asking permission - it's just wrong to not consult the parents on such sensitive things first.
A reason behind why I'd probably sign the release is that I just remember being a kid and not knowing much about politics at all - it really wouldn't upset me if I found out today that I was in an ad for a political candidate when I was 10-12 who's views then are against my views now (I can think of examples of this, but don't want to give them for fear of dating myself more than giving out my politics - Haha) - I'd actually think it was kind of funny. A lot of people don't grow up to have the same political views as their parents either - so my parents, especially my dad, definitely would have put me in the wrong commercials back when I was a kid
. Not really a big deal, and I'm sure most of those kids think it's fun to be in a commercial that is running on TV - like even if you like Coke and hate Pepsi, it would still be pretty cool to be in a Pepsi commercial? Okay - maybe not the same thing, but to a 10 year old it kind of is.