WAG Pre-team hours?

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I want to say about four hours per week. You would think with it being only a couple of years ago I would remember better.
At our YMCA, we train for 1 1/2 hours/week. There are 20 gymnasts in pre-team. The age range is 7-14ish. Majority are 8-12 years old. Team is a lot longer than pre-team. Our gym is kind of confusing and different.

There is rec (junior beginners and beginners classes) gymnastics and all those classes for the younger kids. But pre-team is the first class you have to be invited too. We have to have a backbend kick over and a bunch of level 1,2,3, and 4 skills. But to get on team you need level 1 skills. So its not like rec is level 1, 2, and 3 like I think it usually is. But in beginners we do level 1 and 2 skills. Its confusing!

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It totally depends on what your gym defines as pre-team. Our pre-team is generally preschool through age 5 and they practice two days a week at 1 hour per class. They then go to L1, which is 2 days a week at 2 hours. My 6 yo is a L2 and practices 2 days a week at 3 hours per class. At our gym L2 is part of the actual team, as well.
My girl(5) goes 2 days a week for an hour and 30 minutes. Enough for her she's bombed after an hour
Thanks for everyone's input! All the other gyms in my area train 2-4 hours a week for pre-team so I thought that 6 was a lot...guess it just depends on the gym!

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