ChalkBucket Private Area On ChalkBucket Again?

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Do you want a members only area?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 81.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 19.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


ChalkBucket Founder
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Gold Membership
Proud Parent
Sep 3, 2005
Reaction score
Would you like to see an area that is not viewable to “guests” again on ChalkBucket? A private area for members?
I'm only mildly against it (and voted accordingly), but I want to clarify why:

I'm not against a private section in the abstract, but my concern is that it could create the illusion of more privacy than is actually there. A "members only" section doesn't mean that only coaches/athletes/parents could access it and random creeps couldn't; all it means is that it takes random creeps an extra 20 seconds and a couple of mouse clicks to get there.

I worry that the illusion of safety and privacy could potentially be more dangerous than an open and obvious lack of them, because it could lead people to open up as if they are in a safe and private space, when it's still on the world wide web with all the dangers that implies.
I don’t think there would be any illusions at all. Just like the Facebook groups… people can be removed if there is a big issue.
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I'd advise a reminder at the top that NOTHING you share online is private. Even private conversations can be screenshotted and shared. But I do like the idea that people would have to at least make a little more effort to join the site to stalk me!

(My problems were from regular social media sites, not chalkbucket, but have reminded me how crazy some gym mums can be. As ever, never say anything you don't stand by :-) ).
Level and region-specific groups would be really nice. I've had to dig quite a bit for stuff for DD's level, and a lot of it was very old posts. I'm aware that online privacy in a forum is non-existent, but I am more comfortable here than I would be on Facebook or Instagram. "Breakout" groups would be awesome for those looking for specific information.
I could be completely making this up, but didn't you have to have a certain number of CB posts to access the private groups? I like that idea because I feel much more comfortable with a group of people who regularly post, vs. feeling like there might be a lot of people lurking in the private groups who never share anything.
I could be completely making this up, but didn't you have to have a certain number of CB posts to access the private groups? I like that idea because I feel much more comfortable with a group of people who regularly post, vs. feeling like there might be a lot of people lurking in the private groups who never share anything.
I agree 100%! Most groups set their own number, but that is something we can consider.
@Gymx2 and @skschlag I like this... however... the number of posts would need to be low. How many posts are you thinking?
@Gymx2 and @skschlag I like this... however... the number of posts would need to be low. How many posts are you thinking?
some had 10 posts. Others had a time - being active/registered for 3 or 6 months. The # of post idea is tricky because people just post simple questions or replies just to hit the limit. I prefered the "active member" for a certain number of months. People could still post their questions to the main forum until they hit the criteria.
I remember I helped to moderate one of the groups (I honestly forget which one) and we had a high-ish number of posts you needed to make on the main boards before you could join. I like the idea of time based/active member instead, I remember it took me a long time to get to the required number for some. Maybe @Mrs. Puma remembers?
8 x US region groups and a UK group. Feeling a bit left out there JBS!

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