MAG Progression Chart help please!

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics
Aug 26, 2022
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Good day! I am, first off a female without any prior men's gymnastics knowledge, desperately trying to create a progression chart for the boy's recreational program for our gymnasium. In the process of creating the girl's progression chart, the owner loved it so much he wants me to do one for the boy's program as well. I have attached what our level one girl's recreational program progression chart looks like for the kids to take home and use as they progress through the program. What in the world am I supposed to put on the boys one? I have tried Googling it. I have tried understanding the Junior Olympic Program Boy's Competition Manual, but I feel lost. I understand Women's....but the guys is confusing me haha. I figured this forum is exactly what this is for right? Please help! I need a level 1, level 2, and level 3. I have attached the girl's ones in hopes that it helps you all understand what I am looking for.
Thanks in advance!


Okay, MAG.

Floor will be similar in many ways to WAG. Skills like forward rolls, handstand forward rolls, straddle rolls, pike rolls, dive rolls, backward rolls, back extension rolls, handstands, cartwheels, bridges.

They will want jumps - straight, tuck, 1/2 turn jumps, full turn jumps.

Flexibility - all three splits, dorsal, bridges.

Core shapes on floor, like front support, rear support etc, which will eventually lead to circles on Floor.

Scales, great to develop on both legs.

The main differences from WAG is no dance, leaps, turns and usually not much walkover work. Though in my gym we do walkovers and limbers with the boys too. Not that they will ever compete them but the flexibility and shaping is valuable for tumbling and Vault.

Core supports
front support
rear support
side support both sides
Stride support both sides

Transitioning from shape to shape.

Leg swings, bath legs together and straddled. Flank dismounts.

Circle shapes on floor.

1/4 circles on mushroom, 1/2 circles on mushroom

Long hang
tuck hang
L hang
Basket hang
dorsal hang
chin up hang
Inverted hang

Transitioning to different hangs

Swings with hand turn
swings to dismount

Strength like chin ups, chin up holds, dips, dip holds, front support

Similar to WAG
Leg strength
leg speed
Board entry
Arm circles

Basic vaults to a single Mat like straight jumps, handstand to flat back, dive rolls.

front support
L sit
V sit
tucked L sit
upper arm support
straddle sit

Support swings
regrasp swings under the bar

Basic strength - Dips, front support walks and turns, upper arm work

Long hang
tuck hang
L hang
tucked chin up hang

Tension swings
full swings
kick starts

forward rolls
back hip circles

Strength - Chin ups, chin up hangs, leg lifts, l hangs, toes to bar hangs
Okay, MAG.

Floor will be similar in many ways to WAG. Skills like forward rolls, handstand forward rolls, straddle rolls, pike rolls, dive rolls, backward rolls, back extension rolls, handstands, cartwheels, bridges.

They will want jumps - straight, tuck, 1/2 turn jumps, full turn jumps.

Flexibility - all three splits, dorsal, bridges.

Core shapes on floor, like front support, rear support etc, which will eventually lead to circles on Floor.

Scales, great to develop on both legs.

The main differences from WAG is no dance, leaps, turns and usually not much walkover work. Though in my gym we do walkovers and limbers with the boys too. Not that they will ever compete them but the flexibility and shaping is valuable for tumbling and Vault.
so, question. I know that boys do vault. Do they not do vault hurdle like WAG does? Vault Basic skills: Vault hurdle, vault arms, handstand flatback?
so, question. I know that boys do vault. Do they not do vault hurdle like WAG does? Vault Basic skills: Vault hurdle, vault arms, handstand flatback?
Yes, it’s very similar to WAG. Same hurdles flat backs etc.

Vault at the junior levels is very similar to WAG, although different countries have different vaults. I don’t know what the US does.

The main difference is that males do a lot less Yurchenko vaults than WAG gymnasts. They still can and do Vault like this.

But the advantage of the Yurchenko is that the round off flic creates power. That is why it’s more popular with female gymnasts. Men find it easier to develop speed and power.

So you don’t see the same emphasis on Yurchenko drills in the lower levels in MAG.
Ok, me again haha. The Guy's coaches loved the progression charts I made for the Beginner and Intermediate boys. Now they are asking me to make one for the Advanced Boys. I used all the above information on the beginner and intermediate charts - what can I put on the Advanced progression chart?
Here is what I have so far:
Round Off
Back Handspring
Cartwheel with 1/4 turn
Straddle Headstand
Straddle Press Handstand

1/2 turn mixed grip
Bar pullover
Cast to undershoot
Tap Swings

Straight jump to mat

P. Bars:
Straddle "V" Support
Straddle Support

That is all I could come up with using the National Track Compulsory Routines that didn't include what was already posted above.
Any suggestions of Advanced skills for rings and Mushroom?

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