Hi! First off, let me start out by saying I was NOT a gymnast. I always wanted to be so when my daughters showed an interest, I found a way to make it happen. Time was the main issue.We didn't currently belong to a gym that offered gymnastics so we joined a smaller, newer gym that I had heard good things about. It took me a few months to feel comfortable there but I think it was my own insecurity about not knowing anything at all about gymnastics.My 5 yr old joined, level 1. She was moved up to 2 mid competition season. We decided to do a few AAU meets and she absolutely loved it.My 4 yr old started when she was still 3 in the preschool tumbling program. She is 4 now and in level 1.Our girls team ended up traveling from WI to FL for the AAU nationals and my daughter did ok, but had fun and we did a mini vacay so it was all good. We spent the rest of the summer on and off training and were waiting for competition season.Well the second week of August, we all received a mass email saying the gym was closed effective immediately and no refunds were available as they were broke and getting divorced.They looked for buyers and when we caught wind of this, we decided to investigate the option. My husband has started and sold successful businesses in the past, but I don't have much as far as business background. In fact, before I was a mom I was a police officer. Not really similar.So, the gym wants to sell the gym, the year lease in the building and everything in it for 35k. They would be paying off all outstanding debts and the balance would be at zero. We think they would take 25k if offered.I have had a few friends there who are way more familiar with gym offer to help us get it running again. Also, all the coaches said they would go back if it was us that bought it. So that's positive. Now, my comNcern os how many parents will come back? The thing is, the closest gym with a competition team is 30 miles away un.ess they joined the YMCA. I know I could get almost all if not all competition girls back, but thats only 10-12 girls so all in all not my main focus.Here is the kicker...the gym was being rented for a flat rate to include electric and heat/air. However, was only being used from 4-8pm, Mon-Fri. All those other hours it was being paid for but not used. Think of the potential!So anyway, my husband and I really are at a crossroads here. We either offer and hopefully save gym in time to get into competition season, or let it go under and try to search out plan B for the girls in the meantime. The ideas I have in my head to make this gym a real profit are many. We started discussing opening a gym a few months ago, when we found out current owners opened this one with no previous gymnastics experience. Oh, the current head coach will stay and she is invaluable in that department.So, now that the gym name is damaged, we have a lot to think about in order to save it, rehab it and make it a million times awesomer.Thoughts? Would you consider? There are more details but I'm typing on the ipad and my fingers hurt
Thanks for your thoughts!Shelly