I have been in your "blah place" after my daughter had a very successful JO career and maybe because she had such a kind and knowledgeable coach who didn't coach by insults and intimidation, I was unprepared for the behaviors of her college coach (who totally bamboozled us before she got there) ....it was when she competed D1, I found it to be THE most stressful and (for me, at least) unenjoyable time of her gymnastics career....and she made line ups and competed 3 events all 4 years so it wasn't that she didn't compete.
NCAA coaches are just a breed unto themselves and maybe recent changes and "outing" of horrible behaviors may have made some better these days ...back then it was the constant threatening of scholarships ,pitting athletes against one another in a fight for a line up spot, telling them they sucked on a daily basis, calling girls out for the weight (and posting their weights on the wall of the gym after required weigh ins) , daily monitoring of food intakes, not wanting parents to come to the meets (we did anyway and sat where we weren't seen) ....it was an awful environment and before the transfer portal was a thing. She had a full ride but more than once, I begged her to transfer but she loved the school so she stayed. I was on a countdown from day #1140 left in her four years, and believe me , it was a LONNNGG 4 years but she made it and she is my hero....but it was a dark time in my gym mom years , lots of crying , second guessing, wondering why I ever brought her to the first gymnastics class in the first place...
But she's come out on the other side ...is a happy, healthy adult who actually enjoys watching gymnastics and we "watch" NCAA meets together via our group texts and sometimes we go to the college meets ...so GYMOM , I'm sorry that I haven't shared much to "revive" you but I totally get you wanting to be off the gym grid at times. Just kinda hang in there through her NCAA career and hopefully it will get better...welcome back!