We have completely relaxed rules regarding electronics. We live in NJ, so being number 2 in cases makes me unwilling to have any contact, So kid does lots of chats/games/video shares that I would never allow in normal times. We are fortunate that our school is way ahead than most US schools with regard to online education. We do have weekly conditioning over message, but no zoom. Thinking if my southern relatives continue to have lesser outbreak, I could move in with them over the summer to allow him to practice with them if gyms are cleared to reopen. Not so much to give him an advantage over teammates but to retain his interest in the sport and give him a bit of team camaraderie. I think that might be good for him. Some boys on his team have already dropped and out of 10 boys he started a Level 4 with, he’s the only one left, so since he is still wanting to practice new skills, I might try to boost him over the summer with letting him do full gym in another state if we have that option