Parents Season almost over

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Dec 26, 2012
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Is anybody else (maybe prematurely) unashamedly relieved that the competitive season is almost over? It seems stress levels are high right now with parents, and coaches are just trying to keep it all together for the time being. State meet is in 2 weeks, and I'm already practicing my big sigh (ahhhh!) as the season finally closes. Next month should be nothing but FUN for dd at her gym! So looking forward to that!
I am always excited to see the season begin and happy to be at the end. It is a lot of stress on the family, gymmie, coaches, etc. We have state next weekend and then 3 weeks to regionals. then....done. D is so excited to start training level 7/8.. We are definitely ready ;)
I have a love-hate relationship with meet season. On one hand, it will be nice to have my weekends back and to hemorage money at a slightly slower rate. On the other, after a rough start, DD is rocking level 7 and that's really fun to see. She is one who picks up skills very slowly, but makes them look really nice once she gets them. So after States is over she'll go from being her team hotshot to the girl who is last to get every one of her level 8 skills. ;)
DS's state meet is next weekend. The girls go until the end of April though. It will be nice to at least not have the conflicts of him competing at the same time as one of the girls; but in a different part of the state. haha

I'm looking forward to the end of meet season; but am pretty sure DS will go to having Saturday practices, so I don't think we will have weekends to ourselves for very long. :(
Oh..but Saturday practices give YOU some time!! we don't have to sit and watch practice ;)
Oh..but Saturday practices give YOU some time!! we don't have to sit and watch practice ;)

But that would only work out if all 3 managed to have Saturday practices! Though... it might end up that both of the twins have them and that would leave me with only one kid, which seems almost like a break. ;)
Meet season is tough because I have a dd and a ds competing. Summer is tough because dd does TOPS plus trying to prepare for next level. I just roll with it all now, each part of the season comes with its own ups and downs. My favorite part of meet season is getting a soft pretzel at the meets- the food is my favorite part of most life events:)
Looking forward to it here, but we have three meets left! A small one on Sun, state in two weeks, and Regionals halfway through April. Its coming!
I'm torn. I have loved watching DD grow at each meet we have been too, but I am so sick of traveling and the money involved in it. I have wracked up more hotel reward points this year than I imagined possible for us! We have state next weekend, and I'm really hoping that she ends the season on a high note. I'm also excited to see her start working new skill and to see where this summer will lead us.
I'm already practicing my big sigh (ahhhh!) as the season finally closes. Next month should be nothing but FUN for dd at her gym! So looking forward to that!

The evil shred in IWC hopes your dd qualifies for every last post season competition she's eligible for when she gets to that point. :eek: :eek: :D
I'm one that likes competitions--not only watching my daughter, but the other girls too. And seeing the other moms & dads and going out afterwards is my social time :-). The off-season gets SO long that I'm not anxious for it to start.

State in two weeks, then (hopefully) Regionals. Not much chance she'll make Nationals this year, but will be going to watch!
Two more meets for us -- DS has states next weekend, and DD has one more in late April. That means that as of week after next, both of them will be working on uptraining and upgrades and will be very happy. DD will have to work on routines for the two or so weeks before that last meet, but then it's all the fun stuff. No worries about anything with scores at stake (will I get this move, can I figure out this bonus, why do I keep falling on X) for a while! I will be really happy too if both of them compete the same levels next year, which should make for a much less stressful meet season, especially for DD.

Soooooooo glad our compulsory boys do not do regionals!!!!!
I loathe competition season, still. From start to finish I worry, worry, worry so much that I can't enjoy it. I try I swear I try, but it's just so hard to enjoy the moment. I do gett to exercise my math skills during season though and that keeps my mind sharp! Hehe

I love the off season and my daughter does too. I know most kids thrive off the competition, but she just loves learning new stuff. The repetition to perfection is one of the hardest things for her.
The Fellows has been having an amazing season and so I am trying to enjoy every minute of it. I know that it is very likely she may never have another fairy tale season like this one so we are all just trying to live in the moment of it and appreciate all of it, because soon it will be over.

She has two more meets and then state at the end of April.

I too enjoy the meets. It is nice to get to know the other parents better and watch all the girls progress and grow as gymnasts over the season. But, the end of season seems to be so stressful. The parents all go a little nutso and workout group and schedule changes are coming and there just seems to be so much pressure in the air.

My favorite part of the year is late summer. They seem to be really hitting their stride with new skills and making those increased hours work for them. They are so strong from increased spring and summer conditioning and so motivated to grow into their new selves. And school hasn't started yet, so they aren't exhausted and overextended yet -- back to school can be a rough transition for my dd. I just love the energy that time of year.
Both DDs have 1 more meet this weekend, then States in about 1 month, but then TOPs season kicks into high gear for younger DD!

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