You need to balance what you might gain from moving with the negatives that ensue.
For instance, we decided not to go to another gym because it would have entailed commuting 40 minutes each way. My daughter can spend that time resting, studying or even doing additional gym time. Additional time spent commuting can also have deleterious effects on your daughter such as nausea, muscle cramps, etc. If your daughter has bonded with her teammates she also might become depressed over leaving her friends. Balance the equities before you decide and remember that all gyms have some problem.
Take into account how additional commuting time will affect your other family members. My son is into baseball and one of his main training facilities is down the street from my daughter's gym. If we moved, I would be hard pressed to find another facility as convenient.
One issue we had with our gym involved getting a new optional coach. A lot of our optional girls left because we did not have a head coach for some time. Our team director promised my family that we would get a new head coach relatively soon. So I included this promise along with the other advantages in making my decision. We did get a new coach and I am happy that we stayed.
Don't make any rash decisions. Look at all the variables pro and con before you decide.