I know this isn't the place for medical advice but thought i'd ask you guys as gymnasts tend to know all about injuries...!
2 weeks ago i fell off beam and whacked my shin so hard on the way down... i was collapsed on the crash mat in pain and couldn't move cause it hurt so much. After atleast half an hour of lieing there with an ice pack i got up and was still in a lot of pain but could hop around and just went on bars and kinda forgot about it. I didn't have a bruise but i had a purple mark exactly where i had hit it.
That night i woke up at about 1am in agony with it and was in so much pain i couldn't sleep. I couldn't walk the next day... or the next day... but after that i could walk fine, and then i started getting a pretty massive bruise! Which is still there. I was wondering why it's still hurting to run/jump, because the bruise was seeming to start to fade but i discovered today there is a huge dent in my shin! Exactly where i hit it (the mark is still there!), and i don't mean just a little dent, it's really noticable, it's really weird!
I don't usually take much notice of injuries i just ignore them and get on with it but what could i have done to it? It's obviously not broken or anything or i wouldn't be able to walk but it still hurts, and why the dent?
It'll go away right? I know shin injuries are like the worst so is that just why it's taking to long to go away?
I don't wanna sound like a drama queen - i know everyone gets injuries and usually way worse than this, but it's just it's been 2 weeks >_<
2 weeks ago i fell off beam and whacked my shin so hard on the way down... i was collapsed on the crash mat in pain and couldn't move cause it hurt so much. After atleast half an hour of lieing there with an ice pack i got up and was still in a lot of pain but could hop around and just went on bars and kinda forgot about it. I didn't have a bruise but i had a purple mark exactly where i had hit it.
That night i woke up at about 1am in agony with it and was in so much pain i couldn't sleep. I couldn't walk the next day... or the next day... but after that i could walk fine, and then i started getting a pretty massive bruise! Which is still there. I was wondering why it's still hurting to run/jump, because the bruise was seeming to start to fade but i discovered today there is a huge dent in my shin! Exactly where i hit it (the mark is still there!), and i don't mean just a little dent, it's really noticable, it's really weird!
I don't usually take much notice of injuries i just ignore them and get on with it but what could i have done to it? It's obviously not broken or anything or i wouldn't be able to walk but it still hurts, and why the dent?

I don't wanna sound like a drama queen - i know everyone gets injuries and usually way worse than this, but it's just it's been 2 weeks >_<