I think that you and everyone else (coaches, teammates) need to back completely off. If it is a mental block, any pressure will not make it come back and will probably delay it coming back. No talk about not being able to go to States, no talk about needing to repeat L3, etc. All of that would help only if motivation were the issue. It sounds like here motivation is not the issue. It sounds like your dd wants nothing more than to be able to do the ROBHS. It's like telling a new gymnast that they can join team if they can do a ROBHS. That new gymmie doesn't have the skill to do it yet and all the motivation in the world won't give them the skill. Your dd doesn't have the mental skill now, although she has the physical skill.
I also said in your other thread that since it is a mental block, perhaps having the coach stand out there to spot if needed would be okay since it sounds like she doesn't actually physically needs a spot but mentally she thinks she does. But it sounds like this is not an option in your gym. It may be that she needs another gym that may not have blanket policies about spotting or scratching events. I can certainly understand your gym's policy and the rationale for it, but in your inidividual gymnast's situation, it may not be the best thing to get her over it. I don't know - would it be less of a big deal to get a spot until she doesn't need one? It seems like it would be taking the pressure off. But then maybe at that point the motivation may become an issue.
I also said in your other thread that since it is a mental block, perhaps having the coach stand out there to spot if needed would be okay since it sounds like she doesn't actually physically needs a spot but mentally she thinks she does. But it sounds like this is not an option in your gym. It may be that she needs another gym that may not have blanket policies about spotting or scratching events. I can certainly understand your gym's policy and the rationale for it, but in your inidividual gymnast's situation, it may not be the best thing to get her over it. I don't know - would it be less of a big deal to get a spot until she doesn't need one? It seems like it would be taking the pressure off. But then maybe at that point the motivation may become an issue.