Skills you want to learn

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well i only have states left do by may i want
vault-yurchanco the ro bhs part on the table

bars-cast handstand on low bar(i already have it on high bar)
clear hip hs

beam-switch 180
bhs bhs on low or medium beam??

floor-back full
front handspring lay

idk if i will get any of this beccause im only in level so everyone else will be preparing for regionals and westerns but maybe
well as high bar is all i do,
full in back out

The full-in is realistically possible by maybe this summer.
others are maybe later next season

Clean up my Handspring and making it an awesome vault

Round off Flic Layout (I think i could probably do this within the next month maybe two)
High and pretty front sault (its really low and ugly at the moment)
Front Handspring Front Tuck
Back Extension to Handstand
Long term goal is to be able to round off flic full twist

Flic on low beam with mat and spot
Split Jump (make it 180 degrees)
Split Leap Wolf Jump

don't do bars
ok new year. season ended a couple weeks ago so onto new and better things. by june i want 1 1/2 (twist)on floor double back onto mats in the pit(bars) bhs bhs on high beam or almost high beam, be working on back tucks. clean yurchenkos and start do some good flipping.
Since I only get a couple hours of practice a week, I want these skills by November (our adult meet):

tuck flyaway
maybe clear hip?

front handspring

ro bhs
front handspring
front tuck
back extension roll
back walkover

front tuck dismount
cartwheel to back tuck dismount?
maybe backwalkover on low beam with mats?
okay i want these by june. (i lost skills so im trying to gain them back)

-switch leap
-round off
-cartwheel back tuck dismount

-back LO
-front LO

-just to block faster/harder and run faster (FHS)

-LO flyaway
-cast handstand
I want these skills for next competition season:

FHS-FT-Front layout or FHS-FT-FT
Double turn
Connected "B" dance element(s)
RO-Straddle jump-FT

Nicer front handspring

Front layout dismount
Handstand-BWO or BWO-BWO
Spilt jump-tuck half
Press to handstand mount

Kip cast to handstand or 45 degrees
Sole circle
Jump full turn kip or a competable switch kip
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Hmmmm lets see i hate state in 4 weeks sooo....

Layout flyaway
Straddle back

an actual beam rutine not just three skills then a turn and roundoff off the end :P
Switch 180

upgraded vault (idk what yet i just need a higher start value)

Roundoff backtuck/ layout
real front tuck step out connected to the rest of my tumbling pass

These are all skills that i have had and lost and am real POed about it, but i will get them back

p.s. the back tuck/layout might not actually be in my rutine but i just need to do it for myself
I know the thread is old but I just saw it, obviously not for Feb./March as it is not April but by competition season which starts in Nov. I want to be a level 9 on double mini and a level 10 on trampoline ( I do T&T) I need my back full back for both events lost it due to fear issues and I actually should get a double full, I need a consistant rudi on both, I need a double back on both and I need a back 3/4 cody on trampoline, and a double front half out (fliffis) on tramp. It is a lot to swallow but I have 7-8 months.
I'm just starting to do things again after dislocating my knee, but by next season I want to get:
vault - pike tsuk
bars - pirouette, full dismount, maybe a shootover (I like doing them from the low bar to the floor with a spot :))
beam - leg up full turn, some sort of flight series (I don't like anything that has to do with B acro on beam :P)
floor - front handspring front layout front pike, back full, front full, better double backs into the pit
[im a level 3, grr. so. not HUGE skills, but huge to me, LOL(:]

Vault -
Nothing, really. im just working on forward roll. -.-

Floor - Back walkover,
back handspring,
MAYBE front handspring?

Beam - a BETTER handstand [i can do it, but its pretty..ah.]
Cartwheel on low beam.

Bars - Mill Circle/Stride Circle.
Back Hip Circle.
& this dismount for level 3, i forgot what its called. :{

so eh, not big moves. most of you could do this with your eyes closed, hah.
To peacegymnastics: Everyone starts at the beginning! I'm really a beginner myself, but that doesn't make our goals any less important than anyone else's :] Good luck with all your skills and I'm sure you'll have them in no time! We should all come back to this thread a few months from now and check on our progress!
New season, new goals.

Just wanted to say, that out of my previous goals, I got: Tsuk on real vault, half pirouette, clear hip hs into giants, bhs on beam, fhs front layout front tuck on floor, full on floor, front full on tt, and double front on tt!

New goals:
-Land a fhs front tuck vault
-Better clear hips to hs
-Pirouettes finishing in hs
-"Floaty" hect to high bar
-Bhs bhs on low beam
-Round off back tuck off of beam
-Front full on floor
-Switch side, straddle jump
-ro bhs layout 1 1/2 twist on tt
-double back on tt

I know its a lot, but I was thinking that maybe these goals could hold up until summer? Hopefully now that I'm out of competition season my coaches will actually let my TRY some of these, lol.
To peacegymnastics: Everyone starts at the beginning! I'm really a beginner myself, but that doesn't make our goals any less important than anyone else's :] Good luck with all your skills and I'm sure you'll have them in no time! We should all come back to this thread a few months from now and check on our progress!

I agree completely with mustlovejumping, everyone has to start somewhere and you will be surprised how quickly you progress i look back on the last year and a bit (when i first started) and just think wow i actually have improved so much and i'm sure the same will happen to you :) Good Luck!

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