Parents Slow progress at lower levels

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Proud Parent
Oct 3, 2021
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My daughter told me that she doesn't think she is good at gymnastics. She is only 7, level 2. This will be her first year competing, but she has been in a succession of pre-team type classes for more than 2 years. She is training with a group of girls that are training level 3 and she is the only one in her group training level 2. She has been working level 2 skills for over a year. She does have some level 3 skills, mostly on bars and beam( fhc, double bhc, half turn in passe, handstand), but is not being allowed to work on any level 3 floor skills. Her vault is still very much a work in progress. She is frustrated because she is not being allowed to work the same skills as the rest of her group. For example she has only ever worked backhandsprings over a barrel, rarely is even doing that. The other girls all have backhandsprings ( not competition ready imo) learned through privates, learned at home on a tramp, or at other gyms. The coach has her work on different skills such as leaps and rolls while her friends work on their backhandsprings. How is she going to learn this skill if she is not allowed to work it? Do we ask for privates? I'm not trying to push her to level 3, but I feel like this is not good for her self esteem or her progress. I dont think changing groups is an option. The group below her are all doing level 2, but they are mosly newly moved up from pre-team and it would mean moving our schedule completely around. I am hesitant to question the coaches plans, as this is a well known, very successful gym. But I'm wondering if girls like her that progress a little slower are just left behind and eventually quit? How do I help support her and advocate for her without being a pushy parent?
If working with the Level 3 group is better for your schedule, explain to your daughter that she's doing different stuff because she is a different level.
Last year, we had 1 level 5 training with the level 4s most of the time ... and sometimes with the Xcel Gold-Platinum group. You do what is appropriate for your level, no matter what the other gymnasts are doing.
The level 4s and level 5s often rotate with the Level 6+s, but with their own coach when possible.
We don't have the 4s working skills they aren't ready for even though they are technically rotating with level 8s.

Maybe talk to the gym, but try not to stress or let your dd stress.

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