Snow Day

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Yup, not even xmas yet and we are having our 3rd snow day. We had a huge system move through, full of snow and freezing rain, so here I am at 7am with three lunches packed and ready to go and three fully dresses and scrubbed kids.

I wonder what the rest of this winter will bring.:confused::D
Some of the schools here in WI are also closed for snow today, thankfully not ours as DH has to go to work to get paid for the 2 days he just had off for Thanksgiving. I also have to go to work and the babysitter (grandma) is in Las Vegas, so I would not know what to do with the kids.

How do your kids make up the snow days? We get on free day, then the rest are added on to the end of the year.

We get 3 days without them taking any back, but if we have any more snow days they will take them off wherever they can. I usually ignore them when they take back holidays or PD days, I generally have made plans so our life just goes on.

It is certainly a challenge for parents working outside the home, I know around here it is very rural and people often are leaving home to work before their kids are gone to schooll.
Fortunately I work from home 90% of the time so I can make most things work.
It only snowed once here and it was just a combination of snow and rain.We also had a few snowdays last year.No snowdays for the youngest daughter here because she homeschools.I guess unless we have a poweroutage.
I wish we had enough snow to have a snow day. Here in Southern Ontario (close to the Great Lakes so that there is the moderating effect) we haven't had any snow that has stayed on the ground for more than a day, and even that was only a tiny bit. I wish it would cool off another couple of degrees so that it would stop raining and start really snowing. Not that I'd get a snow day even if there was a lot of snow in a all likelyhood (I've had a total of 3 snow days in 17 years of school).
That seems like a lot of snow days for so early, but I am not in Canada !!

Now here in NC a lot of times they will cancel school the night before (or announce a 2 hour delay) if they are even calling for bad weather. We are in a rural area as well, so it is hard on the buses if it is icy. They also don't have the snow removal down here anyway. I think it is funny to cancel the night before.

Back in the day - when I was a kid growing up in Connecticut - we had to get up and listen the the radio in the morning to find out. And it was all alphabetical and our town began w/ a W so we had to wait until the end of the list !!!!!!

Have fun Bog. My DD is home today - sick :( - luckily I work from home most days so, not a big deal.
We hit some of that yucky icy weather driving home yesterday. I can't tell you how many nasty accidents we saw - cars flipped over, in the guard rail, down in ditches, etc. It was not a fun drive home yesterday - but we made it.

I can't believe you guys are on your third snow day already !!! If that keeps up your poor kids might be in school all summer :eek:
Sounds fun to me! Do you all just then get into your jammies and drink hot cocoa? Or are you sick of snow already & don't feel like it?

I miss some sort of cold weather! Even when it rains here, it's like 70-80 degrees out, and you don't really feel like being in front of the fire or sipping cocoa, LOL!

Hope you enjoy the time w/ your kiddos! :D
The girls had a sledding party, littlest has now gone off for a playdate, middle one is still in PJ's and shooting the breeze with her school pals on the phone. Beloved son is firmly attatches to the playstation.

I'll be off to an aerobics class the afternoon, I guess gymnastics will be cancelled, that's okat though.

It's all fun, except for the early start, that is just a waste of good sleep time.

I wonder if we'll still be loving the snow by April!!! When I skied on Friday it was so lovely out there, on top of a mountain with nothing to do!
Our kids had a 2 hour delay today----boy they were really hoping for that 1st snow day. We got 12" of snow yesterday and they were predicting 1" max!!
I know you guys are probably sick of it already but I'd love to experience a white xmas just once (never gonna happen here in aus) it seems like it would be really nice and cosy. Our summer holidays are just about to start and we're having 30+ degree celsius days (not sure what that is in farenheight):cool:. We don't have anything like a snow day... bummer! (I'm a teacher)
The girls had a sledding party, littlest has now gone off for a playdate, middle one is still in PJ's and shooting the breeze with her school pals on the phone. Beloved son is firmly attatches to the playstation.

I'll be off to an aerobics class the afternoon, I guess gymnastics will be cancelled, that's okat though.

It's all fun, except for the early start, that is just a waste of good sleep time.

I wonder if we'll still be loving the snow by April!!! When I skied on Friday it was so lovely out there, on top of a mountain with nothing to do!
Sounds like a prefect snow day to me, even though I've never experienced one! We did have one Hurricane day off school in Aug,....but we had to stay inside b/c it was too dangerous to go out in the high winds!
We had 3 feet in the last few days. The major interstate was shut down and people were stranded in the town over because they couldn't get over either mountain pass out of here.

But we still had school. Boo!
we never get snowdays here cuz our superintendant is a dork. Hes retiring after this year, but he never gives us snowdays, ever. Th roads were so bad today and we still had school. It took us 27 min. to get to school and it usually takes like 10. This car spun out and then went in the ditch right in front of us yesterday, and guess what... we STILL had school today!!! Grr!!!
I think we should have a fog day. It doesn't snow here, but today I got in my car to go to school and it was so foggy I couldn't see across the street. It's pretty scary to drive when you are in a cloud. You walk outside and your hair sticks to your face. It feels like it is sprinkling on your head, but it is just super foggy.
A fog day. That's a new one. They have Hurricane Days down south.
IT"S SNOWING!!!!! OMG IT"S SNOWING!!!!! I'm so excited it's finallly really snowing and there was freezing rain first and everthing, so the roads are really nasty and we were in a winter weather warning until 9 tomorrow morning, and my dad is saying that we WILL get at least a 2 hr. late start tomorrow!!!! I'm so excited, but i've better get to bed just in case we have school tomorrow. :)
We're supposed to get 35cm of the white stuff today. Ie'll be working on our sliding trail, we call it screaming curve as it is wild and fast. Bought the hay bales to build the banks yesterday. hours of enless fun.

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